Research and Assessment
Week 1
Week 2
Learning Goals
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Graffiti - Pfizer Commercial
The way we view our
students is critical to
assessment. We must
be advocates for them
and want them to
succeed. [Feedforward, D.I., Choice board, elimination of bonus marks, making expectations clear]
Why Do We Assess?
To get a sense of student
learning and achievement
of learning goals
It's a good indicator of
teacher instruction
effectiveness and if further instruction is needed.
Evaluation is important but so is the process of student achievement. Students should not be made to feel that a grade defines them.
Grading DON'Ts
Give marks for homework or practice: they're still getting there.
Give zeros: this will likely hurt the students' motivation.
Success Criteria
Pertinent Feedback
Use ALL accumulated evidence to create a grade.
Apply late marks/grade penalties
Give extra credit
or bonus marks
Base grades on
unclear targets
Base grades on
a bell curve
for students
on an IEP
Assess students based
on the expectations from the grade that their IEP indicates.
Achievement Chart
(OME, 2010, p.16)
Single-Point Rubric
Common framework:
all curriculum expectations
for all subjects and grades
Helps guide the development
of high-quality assessment
tasks and tools
Helps teacher plan
instruction for learning
Basis for consistent and meaningful feedback to students
Establish categories and criteria with which to assess and evaluate students' learning.
Knowledge & Understanding
Assess basic knowledge or
understanding of concepts
comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding)
Subject-specific content (knowledge)
The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes
(OME, 2010, p.17)
Require students to use reasoning to determine the solution
There may be more than one way to answer these questions
Require students to select more than one tool and sequence them
Require students to select the appropriate "tool"