Engineering Staff 1
SRF Funding Process

1. Project Feed

Outreach & Marketing

Respond to inquiries (1)


WWAC Application

Receive and review WWAC application (0.50)


Enter application into the engineering project database (.25)


Prepare project summary (.25 hours)

Send to ANRC, AEDC, RD, DOH, ADEQ for review and approval (0.25)

Wait for DOH (1 month) and ADEQ to send approval letters and information required for recommendation letter (1 month)

Receive approval letters from DOH and add to file (.10)

WWAC Review & Recommendation

Conduct WWAC meeting to review application (2 hours)

Prepare recommendation or comment letters (0.50 hours)


Email letter to Mark (Chief of Water Resource Dev Division) for review and approval

Mark signs letter to Vern/Alyce to mail out (16 hours)

Vern saves application and copy of the letter to the server (0.50)

Applicant Submits Application

Projects directed to consult with Keith about Environmental Review


2. Processing Application

Financial Review


Program support emails engineer with inquiries 0.25 hours

Engineer reviews email, pulls project files 0.25 hours)

Engineer addresses inquiries from Program Support (is there another applicaiton from this county? Is there a DOH letter in the application file? Is there an application file that's been submitted?) 0.25 hours

Eligibility Review

Program Support contacts engineer for assistance with outstanding eligibility questions (eg life cycle)


Engineers respond to Program Support (24 hours)

Board Review & Approval

Staff Assignment & Application Completeness

Richard assigns project to engineer (80 - 160 hours)


DWSRF PPL Application

MOA to Establish Process & Timeline

Engineer coordinates with PA (40 hours)

Engineer, Keith, PA, and consultant map out process (2 hours)

PA will create MOA with dates and gives to engineers for review (24 hours)

Engineer reviews MOA and approves (.25 hours)

MOA gets sent to borrower (40 hours)

MOA comes back and Mark signs (0.5 hour)

Filed in the project file and copy sent to engineer (0.1)

3. Engineering & Environmental Review

Engineering Agreement

Facility Plan Submittal (1-6 months)

Facility Plan Review (overall ~ 16 to 40 hours)


Review project description, need, planning area and map(s)

Priority list check, email Debby/PA/ADH

Existing Facility: DWSRF - source and water loss review CWRLF - I&I and SSES (if needed)

Population and Flow/Usage review

Alternatives Review





Cost estimate for each alternative

Present Worth Analysis

Ranking of Environmental impacts (skipping lately)


Cost and Effectiveness Analysis (CWRLF Only)

CWRLF Only - Bio-Solids Treatment? If yes then review

Disinfection Required, if yes then review

Selected Alternative

Reason for selection

Sensitive zones mentioned (wetlands, archeological sites, etc)

Personnel needs

Special monitoring or testing required

Permits required

Budget for the project

Green Review

Life Cycle review, greater than or equal to loan term


Project timeline


Public Participation Docs, if not handled under EID (CE only)

System Rates included


Copy of any sub agreements

Check w/PA for ADH Financial and Managerial letter

Benefits Report Data

Forward FP to ADEQ for Clean Air Act Memo / Water Memo (Both ADEQ) (8- 24 hours)


Write letter of approval or Comment letter

If comment letter, check upon resubmittal for all items addressed/corrected. Then approval letter sent

Environmental Review


Online application requires borrowers to initiate consultation with borrower re application's instruction


ER consultation is conducted, project scope is reviewed 0.50 hours

Decision whether a CATEX or FNSI will be required is made at conclusion of consultation

Keith directs borrower to website for procedures for CE or EID 0.25

Keith addresses borrower inquiries about process 0.50 hours

Keith reviews EID/CE documentation and comments on draft (3 hours)

Keith puts borrower in touch with agencies for xcutter concurrence 0.10 hours (on the web and EID guidance)


Keith sends comments on the draft to applicant 0.25

Per MOA, borrower submits final EID (90 - 120 days)

Keith review final EID for completeness and edits (1 hour)

Keith approves! 0.10

Keith prepares the Record of Decision (2 hours)

Keith send the ROD to engineering staff, eng sup, Mark for review and approval (0.10)

Eng Sup and Mark sign off (40 hours)

Email signed ROD concurrence 0.10

Keith meets with admin staff for publication 0.5 hours

ANRC publishes and waits 30 days for comment


Keith addresses comments with engineering staff and records 8 hours

Gather Documentation & Complete Checklist

Plan & Spec Submittal

Plan & Spec Review

4. Developing the IUP

Score DW Projects

Generate PPL

Draft IUP

Public Comment

Finalize IUP

5. Loan Closing & NTP

Draft Loan Agreement

Bond Counsel

Project bid

Pre-Construction Submittals & Bid Review


NTP & Construction Start

6. Disbursement & Project Management


Disbursement Requests Submitted

Change Orders

Disbursement Request Review & Approval

Funds Issued to Borrower

Project Closeout

Loan Repayment & Servicing


Value Add



Rocks in the Road


Systems Issue