Fostering a positive classroom community with a focus on
the social cohesiveness and development of the group

Designing the social environment

Empower student learning through collaboration

Give weight to student voice

Focus on student solutions and interpretations

Encourage real-world problem solving

Build self-efficacy

Strategies for group work

Have students think on their own before engaging in a "team talk" (get students used to this by structuring your lessons to always let them think on their own first); then discuss as whole class (so when students get called on, they've had some experience with the topic)

Give students roles

Helps to build confidence in ability

Encourage students to try, fail, try again

Positive norms to encourage (Jo Boaler) <--click the hyperlink for a great read


Everyone can learn math to the highest levels

Mistakes are valuable

Questions are really important

Math is about connections & communicating

Depth is more important than speed

Math class is about learning, not performing

Math is about creativity and making sense

Encouraging (and having) a growth mindset

Ability and intelligence grow with effort and practice (intelligence is math is NOT fixed)

Use open tasks

We can all grow from mistakes; mistakes are important

Teacher's mindset = must believe everyone can grow

Ability grouping communicates a damaging fixed mindset belief to students

Stand back and reflect on the learning environment you have created

Co-plan the environment with students before learning occurs.

Are students engaged, included and respected, and can they see themselves reflected in the learning environment?

Are students free to interact with the environment in a personally meaningful way?

Ensure that the learning environment convey respect for students, families, and communities.

Is the learning environment welcoming, inclusive, safe, and accepting?