Getting Started with: Google AdWords
Go to Google AdWords page
Slect Timezone (cannot change)
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Verification email
Building your first campaign
Search Network Only
All Devices
Note: Only choose U.S. to avoid overspending by advertising to Canada
Try to stick with memorable naming conventions
You can build up to 25 campaigns
Creating an Ad Group
Use one of five Ad types
Broad Match
Probably get most impressions
Will draw up unrelated matches
Phrase Match
Exact Match
Negative Match
Headline = Call to Action (25 Characters)
Description Line 1 = Call to Action
Description Line 2 = Relate to Consumer
Display and Desitination URL need to be SAME
Like a bucket of keywoards and pairing of ads that are available for people who search for things
Make it specific
People Associated with Google AdWords
Search Engine Marketers
What is it?
Premier source for advertising on the web
System through which Google sells advertisements based on keywords people type in their search engine
The Five Ad Types
Search Ads
Basic (Text Ad)
Display Ads
Blinking banners and visual ads
Call to Action
YouTUbe (In-Stream Ads)
Either on bottom (pop-up) or in beginning of video
Only pay if entire ad is watched
Mobile Ads
Most exciting! Growing faster than Desktop
Can bid on just mobile and target mobile crowd
TV Ads
Commercial (large scale)