Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address
Thankfull for the 4 winds
Purifing the air
Changing the seasons
bringing messages and giving strenght
Let us put our minds together the thank the four winds.The four winds are constantly purifing the air so we can breathe without problem. The four winds also change the seasons letting us have hot summers and cold winters. The four winds being us messages form afar and give us strenght when we need it most. Now our minds are one
Thankfull for the thunder beings
Giving us rain
Now we thank our grandfathers the thunder beings. They bring us rain when we no water and need it most. Their rain doesn't just help us it also helps the animal. Now our minds are one.
Thankfull for the animal life
Animals for teaching us
Thank the birds for teaching us their songs
Now we turn to the animal life of the world. The animal have taught us many things and have even more to teach. Every animal has taught us somthing like the birds teach us their songs. Now our minds are one.
Thankfull for the sun,moon and stars
Brother Sun for bringing the light of a new day
Moon for lighting the night sky and watching over the arrival of children
Stars for helping Grandmother Moon light up the night sky
Now we look at the sky, the place that brings us light. Our brother the sun brimgs us the light of the new day everytime without fail. After our brother the sun leaves the sky our grandmother moon lights it up and makes sure children come into the world safely. The star come with the moon to help her light up the sky.Now our minds are one.
Thankfull for the teachers
Thank all the teachers of the world for enlightening us.
We now turn to our teachers who enlighten us and help us through out our life. We are not only thankfull for our human teachers but also the animal teachers.Now our minds are one.
Thankfull for the gifts of creation
Thank the creator for putting everything we need to live on mother earth
We now thank the creator for the gift of life. He has allowed us to live in this world and given mother earth everything we need to live a healthy life.
Thankfull for each other
For being grateful
Now we look at each other and say thank for being here with me. We are thankfull for each other because we help each other when need it. Its not just our friends that help us its also our parents too. Now our minds are one
Thankfull for mother Earth
giving everything we need for life
Now we look down at our feet and see what we are standing on. We now say thank you to mother Earth because she provides us with what we need to survive. Now our minds are one
Thankfull for the waters and fish life
Quenching our thirst
(Fish) Cleaning the waters
We now thank the waters of the world since they quenh our thirst. We also thank the fish life of the world because they clean the water and make it safe to drink. Now our minds are one
Thankfull for the plantlife
Giving the animals themself so they can live
medicinal herbs for taking away our sickness
Trees for providing shelter for animals
Maple trees for giving us sugar
We now thank the plant life of the world because they give them selfs to the animals so they can live. Its not just the small ones its also the trees, the tree provide shelter to the animals. We also thank the medicinal herbs for taking away our sicknesses. Now our minds ar3e one
Thankfull for the edible plants
Strawberries for ripening first and giving a snack early in the season
Three sisters for giving themselfs in such abundance
We thank the edible plants because they help us survive. Now we thank the leader of the berries the strawberry for ripening first and giving a snack early in the season. We also thank the three sisters for giving them selfs to us in such abundance. Now our minds are one