

What was your best record in a distance race?


Miguel Alcubierre is a brilliant Mexican physicist with a huge online fan club.


Stephen King must be extremely talented


Playing beisball as well as Roger does requires a lifetime of training


Some people compete in chess tournaments against computers

Sequential Linkers in the Past

At first or To begin with

At first, the two girls didn´t get along. / To begin with, I didn´t even know his name.

After that, then or later on

I watched TV, after that, I finished my homework. / Lisa read the book, then she decided to watch the movie. / We had dinner; later on, my Dad helped me with my homework.


We finished unit 1 before we even noticed it.

Until or Till

She didn´t leave until her husband arrived from work. / I was very happy till I noticed that my cell phone was gone.

Finally or In the end

Finally, I managed to pass the next level of the game. / In the end, all that mattered was our friendship.

Superlatives in Noun Phrases


Stephen King is one of the best horror storywriters.


All of the most famous scientist are present in this book.

Combining Adjectives

The order is: Opinion, Fact

An interesting new project.

The order is: Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose

A big round red table