Where and when she born?
August 31, 1870
Chiaravalle, Italy
Montessori entered a public elementary school at the age of 6 in 1876. Her early school record was "not particularly noteworthy", although she was awarded certificates for good behavior in the 1st grade and for "lavori donneschi", or "women's work", the next year.
Who has inspired her?
She had a thinking about children: are their own teacher and that they need for learning process freedom and several options to choose.
Change the methodology and psichology in education for applying to all children.
Her contributions to the world
Creation of exercises and material for helping to children to develop their skills.
She search about the causes of mind problems and she developed special material, taking into account the importance of the senses.
She created the Children house and there she develop Montessori Teachind Method: her theory was based in the children observation, when they did their activies without adult supervision.
The children mind
Tis have the capacity to take knowledge. they learn evetrithing unconsciously and step by step. Where the way give to children joyful.
The sentitive periods
These are the moments when the children can develop or learn an hability for doing an activity easily.
Prepared Places
The places for children are carefully organized, the characteristics and elements are design for improving the independent learning and growth.
Adult role
The Montessori phylosophy is a guide to the child and a help to recognize their around world in a respect, lovely and modest way.
The learning method is based on
- The respect for autonomy student.
- The respect for personal initiative.
- The self- discipline of the student.
- The explorationd and search of knowledges.
- Adquisition of knowledges.
I choose this personson because...
She recovered the importance of the respect and the freedom in the first years of life for improving the autonomy and responsability in children and in this way they have the capacity for resolving different problems that they have.