Leadership-final assignment:
3. Write a case study of your school or workplace in ICT implementation and development, identifying the background, context and goals of the implementation, the nature of a specific ICT-enabled innovation and the role expected of the technology, the scale and implementation strategy adopted/planned. Analyze the achievements made/expected and challenges encountered/expected from the case, drawing on the literature on leadership and change. You should conclude with a discussion of e-leadership issues arising this case study and relating to other ICT implementation cases that you have studied.
in applying ICT in SUSTC: How to popularize higher education using MOOC resource
background, context
ICT in education
Trend: MOOC
Challenge && current status
prefer to research rather than teaching
teaching effect is not evaluated easily
majority of people can not have opportunity to receive higher education because of high costs
purpose and goal
promote teaching-learning quality
using MOOC to provide access of higher education
Innovation of teaching and learning method using ICT and mobile learning
Long distance access to teaching and learning resource of SUSTC
credit and degree
Objective analysis of student learning effect by ICT: big data analysis in MOOC
Product implement plan
role of technology
toolkit- platform
MOOC resource
Policy , Leadership
encourage policy
funding for each faculty member
credit transfer system for student by cooperated with other Uni
teaching evaluation innovation: reward title
human resource
teacher training
student training
admin staff training
nature of a specific ICT-enabled innovation, role of technology, scale and implementation strategy planned/adopted
drawing on the literature on leadership and change?
conclude with a discussion of e-leadership issue arising this case study
SUSTC 网络大学认可度
学位授予跟campus student区别
1, formulation of assignment, 2 understanding of literature, 3 ability to apply,analyze, argue and critique, 4 structure , presentation, language and referncing
Main topic
ICT and leadership
understanding change
PPT Tools: zeetings
MOOC ,mainly is caused by cost of higher education
group circled each other
enough food in shop
team leader
where to go
the purpose and determination
seven habits
technology is solution looking problem
firstly observe the pedagogy and find technology if help or not
technology help teacher to solve the problem, such as instand feedback.
need win-win with teachers
future is now, but not connceted well!