Monotheistic Religions

Jewish/JewsYehuda "Judah"MosesAbrahamJerusalemTalmudOrthodoxHanukkahMosaic Lawking SaulHebrew Bible
Examples of Rituals
Barmitzvah- a ceremony marking the 'coming of age' of Jewish boysObservation of the SabbathCircumcision of newly born Jewish males.FaithsPrayer
Rejects the doctrine of original sin. Through seeking forgiveness from God in prayer an atonement for sins is commited.
15.1 million
The Death of Jesus Christ
For Jesus's claim of being divine he was crucified.
Other Traditions
An oral tradition explaining and interpreting the Tanakh, Called the Talmud, includes the Mishnah. The Mishnah is a code of Jewish Law.
Those who die in sin may suffer temporary punishment unlike certain sins which deserve eternal punishment.
There are several divisions in Judaism including Conservative, Reform Judaism, and Hasidic. However. ethnic groupings include Sephardi Jews and the majority Ashkenazi.
The Mission of Jesus Christ
His mission is of no importance since Judaism rejects the idea of Jesus being Messiah.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was an ordinary Jew. He was not a divine person and was not the Messiah.

mosque-temple, building of prayers for MuslimsMuslims-adherits of IslamMuhammad- Allah's prophetQur'an- sacred textSunnah/HadithSunni / Shia
The Death of Jesus Christ
Jesus was raised to heaven by the Islamic God Allah, but was not crucified.
Adherents/ Followers
1.2 billion
All humans are born without sin and there is no concept of original sin.
Examples of Rituals
Shahadah- profession of faithZakat- alms givingHajj- Pilgrimage to the Holy city of Mecca.Salat- Prayer 5 times daily.Sawm- Fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan
Other Traditions
A supplement to the Qur'an and a collection of traditons/ sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. It also gives guidence to Muslims for daily living.
Hell is known for Jahannam which has many levels and an individual may not necessarily spend eternity there. Hell is also place of torment, torture, and fire.
The Sunni and the Shia are the two main groups of division in Islam, but there is also a mystical movement in Islam called the Sufi.
The Mission of Jesus Christ
To proclaim the gospel also known as the Injil, which has been corrupted by human alterations and additions over time.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, but not divine and was a prophet sent by Allah.
Jesus/ChristChristiansNew Testament/ Old TestamentMessiahCatholic/ChristianBibleGodHoly SpiritTrinity
The Mission of Jesus Christ
To accommodate Man to God through his death as a sacrifice for all of mankind's sins.
Other Traditions
The writings of the early church fathers and ecumenical councils, including the Creeds.
The Death of Jesus Christ
For our sake, Jesus was buried after being crucified and suffering a very painful death.
Exaples of Rituals
BaptismHoly CommunionMarriage ConfirmationPrayerPenanceAnointing the sickHoly Orders
Inherit a sinful nature from Adam, a common ancestor who rebelled against God.
2.2 billion
A place of eternal punishment for the immoral with no way of crossover between Hell and Heaven.
Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic are the three main groups of division in Christianity.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ was Born of the Virgin Mary and was the second person of the Trinity.