My SMED projects at Avtec (by Rohit Kapote) - Operations and supply Chain management by Filipe Amado
Why did I choose this topic?
The Reason I choose this topic
I have gathered 6-months experience in working on these project
SMED was a topic taken up by experts in the operations industry, I was intern and people ridiculed me upon taking up such a hard project
I achieved high success
SMED is a important lean tool, and sharing my experience is valuable as I can club it with the session 7 on lean to understand further
About SMED
What Is SMED

How to imply SMED
In this short video we learn that
We require SMED when changing from product A to product B on a machine this is called changeover
nowadays the costumers are demainding smaller batches and higher frequency meaning we have to minimise the waste in the process
SMED converted large changeover time of 4-6 hours to single minute exchanges!
There are 6 steps to make this happen:
Start with 5S
observe the process
Internal process
changes when the machine is not operating
External process
changes when the machine is running
Change internal to external - Reduce waste
Reduce the time of internal activities
Reduce the time of exertenal activity
Repeat 3-4 steps continuously
Examples of SMED
Industrial examples
In this video we the practical industrial application of how dies are being changed without the application of SMED and then with the application of SMED the amount of time reduced
Everyday example
This is a simple video of a father changing the diaper of his child, it is a simple understanding of what SMED is.
Best SMED practises in companies
Article on applying SMED in Turret punching machine-
The Effect of SMED on Benefits Gained in Maquiladora Industry -
Toyata and SMED -
Lean tools related to SMED
What is 5S?

Everything has a place and a place for everything, this is a cleaning too to keep your work environment health and in order using these 5 s
Why is it important when applying SMED
SMED is a very complex process, and if we don't apply 5S principle everything will get messy.
Easier observation because of 5S
keeping the right mechanical tools sorted can help you with reducing the time.
What is kaizen?

The change for the good
Why is it important when applying SMED
Many firm need to meet the changing demand of the current world, therefore they need to change and thus Kaizen is used to change the production time in SMED
Many firms hold Kaizen meets to reduce SMED
Genchi Gembutsu
What is Genchi Genbutsu?

Why is it important when applying SMED
Onsite Inspection of every machine is important in SMED because:
inorder to reduce time employees reduce quality which is not desirable
Employee can be organised
The founder of SMED started the process with Genchi Genbutsu
About Avtec
Components made at AvTec
What sectors are Avtec in?
transmission components
precision-engineered products manufacturer
Avtec ltd

Part 6880090
A total of 140 parts made per month
The part is a brake flange

Engineering Drawing of Part 6880090
Analysis of the drawing
The drawing contains 8 holes with 4 operations on each hole
They used 4 tools for the 4 operations
The tools used for the holes were:
Slot Drill
Central Drilll
8.55mm Carbide Drill
Single tool
The Reason for using a Single Tool
The 3 tools had overlapping paths (overlapping was during change of the tools the tool went all the way down and came up to switch tools, the coming up was the redundancy) therefore combining the tools reduced tool path and therefore

Summary of the Result
The Result
Total machining time:13 mins! (Reduction by 15mins)
Time reduce/hole: 1,5mins
Flat bottom Drill
Time (total on the part & total on one hole)
Total Machining time: 28 mins
Total Machining time/hole: 3,30min
Observation of the VMC machine
Part 80001286
A total of 160 parts made per month
The part is a TT Transmission Housing

Drawing of Part 80001286
Analysis of the Instruction Sheet
Contains mainly turning operation
Tools used
Rough tool
Single tool with different inserts
Signature of tool signature was changed in order to increase the tool travel and remove the CNC redundant commands in order to do the turning operation in optimum time.

Summary of the Result
The result
Total machining time: 65 minutes per product
Reduction in time: 15 minutes per product
Finish tool
Time (total on the part)
Total Machining time: 80 minutes
Observation of the VTL machine
Part 150210880
A total of 180 parts made per month
The part is a CT100 Transmission Housing

Drawing of Part 1502100880
Analysis of the Instruction Sheet
Operations involved
Tools used
Finish Mill
Rough Mill
Milling Cutter
After failure of the bigger cutter, new cutter was introduced with different specifications. Usage of new cutter produced lesser noise and effective operation.

Summary of the result
The Result
Total machining time: 63 minutes per product
Reduction in time: 12 minutes per products
Chamfering Tool
Time (Total on the part)
Total Machining time: 75 minutes
Observation of the VMC Machine
The Ending Note
Applying SMED in Avtec was not an easy project. the main challenges were
Understanding complex Engineering Designs
Standing and observing the machine for several hours everyday
Changing the CNC code
SMED has a large scope at Avtec as Avtec is a old firm but facing a lot of new orders and demands. SMED is in the forefront to match them.
I see Lean tools as the major part of the smallest organisation simply because of its importance
Avtec cut time by several minute in SMED but due to their SMED incapability they could not be fully lean. I recommend to gather the resources to be leaner
Take aways
Difficult job to apply lean
must in every industry
The understanding of out the lectures help me see a lot of examples where companies have benifited from lean