electricity enters your home at 220 volts. 220 volts is used for some appliances such as AC unit or washing machine. A regular outlet is 120 volts.

reduces voltage to a level that can be used in the house (220 volts)

uses step-down transformers to decrease

move the electric current generated from the power plant to the substation plant

uses large step-up transformers to convert the generator's voltage up to extremely high voltage for long-distance transmissions on the transmission grid

Transmission- sounds created at a radio station are made into a electronic signal and the sound waves produce a electric current that is an analog signal or audio signal.

Transmission- audio and video signals are created at the tv station and are carried by electromagnetic waves from transmitting antennas to ground but there might be obsticals (buildings) so we have local tv networks. Communications satellites are used for the same purpose but so you can watch worldwide evens.

Reception- radios receive the signal through antenna, to tune the signal you change the frequency for the speaker where the signal is changed back to a sound.

Reception- a tv has a receiver that accepts the audio and video signals, just like a radio you need to tune the frequency to the right channel.

Energy- Steam or some other form of energy is used to rotate the turbines.

Turbine- Rotating turbines cause generator

Generator- Rotating generator creates electrical current

analog signals- current that is varied smoothly to represent info. Digital signal- pulses (steps) of current used to represent info. Signal stored in a object (record player) when an object (needle) runs over the signals is produces a smooth sound.

Digital signal- pulses (steps) of current used to represent info. Signal stored in holes/pit in the object, this is the steps.