
PDSA Spring 2024


Identify Need

Examine iReady Data

Informational Text Domains

1: Citing Evidence

2: Objective Summary

3: Sequence & Connections

4: Word Meaning

5: Structure

6: Point of View

7: Analyzing Accounts

8: Evaluate Reasoning

9: Seminal Documents

Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Identify valid relevant evidence

Distinguish between
explicit and inferred

Structure of Argument




Specify Desired Outcome

The number of students who meet standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1 will significantly increase on the EOY iReady Exam.


Strategies to Address Need

Prompt Stems

Which detail from the article best supports...

Use details from the passage to support your answer...

Select three pieces of evidence that best support this statement.

Which of the following best explains why...

Find and write down a sentence from the passage that supports this statement...

What does ___ mean as it is used in this paragraph?

iReady Strategies

Combining Text Evidence

Read Aloud

Underline Key Ideas

Label Paragraphs

Graphic Organizer

Evaluate Text Evidence

Model Making Inferences

Given paired evidence and conclusions, identify strong and weak support.

Graphic Organizer

"The text says ___ to I know ____."

"The text says ___ and ____, so I can conclude ___."


Text Evidence + Background Knowledge = Inference

Department Brainstorm

Graphic Organizer


Given evidence, identify supporting, refuting, etc.

Accuracy and Precision

Two Competing Hypotheses

Identifying Evidence Strength Out of Scientific Context (Practice, Review)

Rubric for Evaluating Evidence

Explanation "Construction"

Final Decision

Science teachers will adapt explanation assessments to allow students to select the "best" evidence from a range of options rather than writing evidence from scratch. This will remove barriers relating to low writing skills, allowing students to demonstrate their ability to identify supporting evidence. Each science teacher will administer an adapted assessment and bring student work samples to the next PDSA meeting.





Went Well

Revisions to be Made

Was the goal met?