Personal Portfolio
Pass A&P 1
1.Attend lecture,lab, and cap
2.Do all homework
3.Give %100 effort
1. not being able to keep up with the pace of the class
2. Car accident injuries keeping me out of
class for too long
1. Finally able to move on to A&P2
Receive an A for my final grade in this course.
1.Turn in all papers on time
2. Attend all class sessions
3. Do extra credit work
1. Gets Sick and miss a lot of class
2. Have a few bad days and completely
bomb important test
1. I can move on in my academic journey
Save $2,000 for down payment on a car
between Sept. 15, 2017 and march 18, 2018
3.Sell my car
for rest of down
2.Save $100 a month
1. Work hard for money
2. Don'y make enough to put back
$100 a month
1.Get sick and cant work
1. I will have a more reliable car for school