phonologhy Is the study languages of the sounds systems of languages

Phoneme is the smallet unit of sound
Example:the word "sit"/is composed for three Phoneme or sounds s/i/t

allophone is a set of multiple possible spoken sounds or phones or signs use.d to pronounce a single phoneme in a particular language.
Examples:the t sounds in the word "hit" tip" and "little"

types of phonological process
Types of substitution
Types of asimilation
Types of syllable of structure
Clubster reduction"pane for plane"
weak syllable"nana for banana"
final consonant"toe for toad"
Denasalization "doze fro nose"
Coalescence" foon for spoon"
Reduplication "baba for bottle"
Backing"gog for dog"
alveoralization"too for shoe"
labialization "pie for tie"