What are the types of erosion-deposition systems?

Mass Movement

Downhill transportation of sediments
caused directly by gravity

- slow-moving
- creeps
- slump
- fast moving
- mud flows
- earth-flows
- land slides
-rock falls

factors affected by:
- slope
- amount of water in soil
- bedrock composition & structure


Picks up & transports small sediments
ex: sand, silt, clay

Factors affected by:
- velocity
-faster winds (can carry larger
sediments. Increase the rate of
- location
- arid (dry) climates along

- pitted
- scratched
- frosted exhibit ventifaction
- (wind-warn flat surfaces are

- sand dunes
- gentle slope faces direction
wind comes from

(running water)

- Most important agent of surface erosion
- Water always flows downhill to lower
elevations due to gravity
- solid & rock carried with it

river system = a river & all of its tributaries

drainage basin/watershed = all the
land that drains into the river either
directly or through its tributes
- largest in U.S. --> Mississippi
River System

Divide = high point separating
drainage basins
- Ex: Continental Divide (Rocky
Mountain) is major divide in U.S.

"Load" = minerals transported down-stream
transported 3 ways:
1. Solution (dissolved)
2. Suspension (floating)
3. bed load (along bottom)

2 Measurements Used to Describe
Ability to Erode Materials:
1. Complete
maximum size of particles stream
can carry
2. Capacity
total amount of sediment stream
can carry

Factors That Affect the Complete & Capacity
of a Stream?
1. Velocity
directly related to competence
2. Discharge
directly related to capacity

Velocity = distance water travels in a given
amount of time
- affected by amount of energy a stream has due to:
1. gradient (slope/steepness)
2. discharge (amt of water)
3. channel (path)
size (width & depth)
shape of the path (straight, curved)
- faster velocity = larger particles carried
(greater competence)

**See velocity Tree Map**

Ocean Waves

Sediments reach beach by:
