Rock Units
The Older Granites (Gneisses and migmatites)
Ophiolites and ophiolitic mélange
south Eastern Desert
Skiekh Shadly
identified into four mappable units
Characteristics (Composition)
Represent groups of regionally metamorphosed volcanic rocks
associated and partially alternating with meta sediments
interpreted as early phase of geosyncline filling
sequence of basic to intermediate rocks
represent early stage of island arc
range in composition from basic to acidic
divided into
older Metavolcanics (omv)
thick mutinous succession of pillow meta basalt associated with meta gabbro
represent part of ophiolite assembleg
Younger metavlocanics (ymv)
dominantly andesitic volcanic
overlies and interfinger with metasediment
intermediate to acidic
Other Information
evolved in island arc or volcanic arc tectonic setting
form well‐defined belts associating the metavolcanics & metasediments
Their type area is taken as the Barramiya
defined by El Ramly and Akaad (1960) as including a succession of “geosynclinal sediments"
mainly in a low grade metamorphism to medium grade
display the alternation or interfingering of sedimentation (flysch type) and volcanism
This led Akaad and Noweir (1969) to group together the metasediments and metavolcanics in one group named Abu Ziran Group
Arc granitoids (Syn‐ tectonic granitoids)
Wadi Shait
Characteristics (Composition)
Alkali Granite
Qz Diorite
Grey Older Granit
Rich in Pg
Cataclastic Or Deformed granodiorite
developed during three phases
Shaitian Event (850 - 800) Ma
Hafafiet Event (720 - 670) Ma
Meatiq Event (670 - 630) Ma
Gattarian Granit
Gabal Gattar
Grey Granit
El Ramly, Akad & Nweir
Younger red Pink Granit
Grey Older Granit
Shaitian Granit
The Oldest
Syn orogenic Granit
More Deformed (The Oldest)
Late Orogenic Granit
Post Orogenic Granit
Other Information
form important rock unit in Egyptian basement around 40% of basement rocks
formed in island arc tectonic setting
Dokhan Volcanics
North Eastern Desert Gabal Dokhan
Characteristics (Composition)
Consists Of Volcanic Flows Intercalate with tuffs and ignimbrite (cryptocrystalline glassy fragments)
Intermediate to acidic volcanic rocks
Andesite, Rhyolite, Dacite, Rhyodacite
red to reddish purple
Have Rock Variety of Imperial Porphyry
Qz Andesite
red, purple
rich in Mn
Pg +Hb
Preceding the deposition of Hammamat
Boulders of dokhan on the base of Hammamat
Intercalation with the base of hammamte
indicate that Hammamat formed in the final phase of dokhan eruption
After Deposition of Arc Graditoid
other information
thickness about 120 m and flow 50 - 200 m
formed in Active Continental Margin
Hammamat Group
Eastern Desert
Wadi Igla
Wadi Hammat
Wadi Kareem
wadi shihymia
qift - qusier road
Characteristics (Composition)
Unmetamorphosed sedimentary succession
Considered as post orogenic event
deposited after rapid uplift
deposited in intermountain basins
Some Of it are contact metamorphosed
Cross Cutting ralationship
Hammamat is younger than dokhan colcanics
REASON: base of hammat included babbles of dokhan volcanics
Hammamt is older than younger granit
REASON: Um had granit cutting hammamat
Akad first described At Wadi Igla
Red Beds
Igla Formation
Akad & Nweir divided it into 2 formations
Igla Formation
the base of succession
unconformably overlain dokhan volcanics & other rock units
Shihyimia formation
red, grey, green
divided into three members
Rasafa siltstone member (Bottom)
Um Had Conglomerate member
Um Hassan Grey Wake Member
Other Information
Intercalation of dokhan with base of hammamat group
indicate sedimentation in the same time
The Younger Granites
per-alkaline granites
Gabal El Zeit
Gabal Gharib
Eastern desert
Characteristics (Composition)
intrusive granitic rocks ranging in composition from calc-alkali to alkali granites
the last phases commonly possess per-alkaline tendencies
red to pink color
usually with rounded or oval outlines.
Their contacts with the surrounding country rocks
are sharp.
within the range 620 to 530
ages can be subdivided into two major events
1- Dokhan event: spanning the time interval 620 to 570 and
2- Katherina event: spanning the time interval 570 to 530.
El Gaby (1975)
Late orogenic calc-alkali granites
elongated bodies parallel to the regional structure of the area
Post-orogenic alkali granites
red to pink color
Circular to oval outline (sharp intrusive contact)
alkaline to peralkaline in composition
rich in perthite & k-feldspar
Hussein (1982)
older grey shaitian granit
formed as subduction related granit
calc alkaline red to pink granit
formed in active margin (suture)
formed by melting of lower crust
alkaline to per alkaline granit
formed in no orogeny OR within plate tectonic setting
The Older Granites (Gneisses and migmatites)
Characteristics (Composition)
depend on the origin
Gneisses & schists of sedimentary origin (psammitic)
consist mainly of quartz (50 ‐ 80%), potash feldspar, plagioclase & mica
Gneisses of igneous origin(Orthogneiss)
The oldest igneous rocks in the area are foliated metagabbros (hornblende gneisses) similar in their geochemical characters to mid ‐oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) and consequently they are believed to pertain to an ophiolitic assemblage
Migif ‐ Hafafit area in south Eastern Desert
Characteristics (Composition)
occur within a spectacular Precambrian structure
associated rocks are of sedimentary & igneous derivation
The rocks revealed the following age succession
Gneissic tonalite. (Youngest)
Intrusive calc‐ alkaline metagabbros
Psammitic gneisses (probably derived from continental sources)
Biotite schists (interlayered with bands rich in hornblende)
Foliated metagabbros (the hornblende gneisses?) pertaining to an old oceanic crust
Ultramafic rocks of ophiolitic affinity. (Oldest)
Gabal Meatiq in the central Eastern Desert
Wadi Feiran in the south western part of Sinai
Other Information
cover about 7% of the Egyptian Basement