Rubik's cube

1. Create the Daisy

1. Create the Daisy

2.  Create the White Cross

2. Create the White Cross

3.  Solve the first layer

3. Solve the first layer

4.  Solve the middle layer

4. Solve the middle layer

5.  Create the Yellow cross (top face)

5. Create the Yellow cross (top face)

F U R U’ R’ F’

Orient cube with yellow stickered top face as above, then perform the algorithm
Ultimately, this will result in a yellow cross

6.  Solve the Yellow face (top face)

6. Solve the Yellow face (top face)

R U R’ U R U2 R’

0, 2 matching corner stickers = position yellow corner to the X, then action algorithm

0, 2 matching corner stickers = position yellow corner to the X, then action algorithm

1 corner sticker = position cube as above, then action algorithm

1 corner sticker = position cube as above, then action algorithm


7. Position the upper layer Corners

L’ U R U’ L U R’ R U R’ U R U2 R’

Swap corners

Swap corners

8. Position upper layer Edges

F2 U R’ L F2 L’ R U F2


F2 U’ R’ L F2 L’ R U’ F2

counter clockwise