Properties of light
A from of energy
speed=3x10 8 m/sec
Travels in straight lines
Reflect-when hits a surface
refract-when change speed
defects of vision-people with normal vision see sharp and clear images .cannot focus the eyeliner properly;they see thins blurry
magnifying glass,microscope,telescope,binocular,ultrasound scanning device,x-ray machine,MRI,Periscope
Type of mirror
Reflection of light
Incident ray-the ray go light that hits the surface
reflected ray-tye ray of light that reflects from the surface
Angle of reflected-Angle between the normal and the reflected ray
Angle of incident-angle between the incident ray and the normal.
Normal-perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence
can see 7 different thicknesses of the glass=different light speeds.Rainbow in natural light dispersion where water droplets acts as small prisms.
refraction of light and critial angle
whenlight rays hit a n object - some of the light bounces back. we can see object when the reflected light enters our eyes.