Thanks to technologies we can create more sustainable and resilient infrastructures.

Thanks to technology we can be in contact with places with which we might have more inequalities and therefore be in contact with them and therefore have less inequalities.In addition, for example, there are now many more clothes shops online and much cheaper and therefore more people could access to buy those clothes or that product.

There have been many organisations that have been born with an objective of contributing to sustainable development, thanks to the use of state-of-the-art technologies. One example is car sharing platforms.

Thanks to technologies we can know what we consume and how to recycle it so there is less waste.

Technology is making it possible to create ever more sophisticated models of the climate and to help us work out how we can solve this problem.
Marine life technology is very useful because it helps us to monitor the evolution of the marine environment, to monitor the changing conditions of the sea and also to protect endangered animals.

Technology is also very useful for monitoring terrestrial animals and terrestrial life in general, because we can use it to identify, monitor, photograph and track wildlife species. It can also help us to better understand the migratory patterns of animals in need of protection.

E-government services help to improve the relationship between the citizen and the state and improve the demand for public administration services. This is all thanks to technology.

Thanks to technologies we can communicate with other countries and the government can communicate with other governments in other countries. So we can have more communication and know at all times what one government or another is going to do, for example.
Technology can help us find information about jobs or ways to earn money. Also , thanks to the internet ONG can have websites and even make donations via the internet, for example throught bizum.

Technology can help to make decisions about agriculture and enable improvements in agriculture, to shop on the internet and to find out where there are soup kitchens.

Technology can help to have greater connectivity with the patient if he/she is in another place and cannot go to the doctor.

As new realities develop, such as virtual or augmented reality, technology could contribute to improving education. In addition, technologies can also provide access to information for learning.

Technology helps us to know at all times if someone may be perpetrating gender-based violence, but it can also change people's opinions or perspective.

New technologies facilitate the intelligent management of water and sanitation. In addition, technology makes it possible to build better wastewater treatment plants and better machines.
Thanks to technology, finances are improving, which is very good for the development of new renewable energy platforms. In addition, with the help of technology, better windmills or solar panels are being built, for example.

Technology creates new jobs, supports resilient employment and trade, and fosters further socio-economic development.