Intro to Computer Science
CSS Development
Used to style html more efficiently than the style attribute in html.
Style by tag Ex) h1 {
Style by class Ex) .example {
Style by id Ex) #example
Multi-file Wesbites
Add a CSS page by putting "<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">" in the head of the page.
Add another html page by linking it anywhere on the page ex) <a href="example.html"></a>
Use the iframe tag to insert a portion of another website that allows the user to play with and access. (<iframe src="..."></iframe>)
Divs and Spans
Divs organize information so it is easier to style as a whole, but it styles it in its own block.
Spans act as divs, but they organize the information in a line with other data
Combining Selectors
The Descendant tag ( a space) targets all tags inside of a specific tag
The Child tag (>) selects all tags one level inside a specific tag
The Next Sibling selector selects all of a certain tag that comes directly after another specific tag
DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself Principle)
Avoid repeated code in order to make editing it easier. For example, use commas to specify more than one tag.
Special Selectors
Style elements in a certain state
:hover, :link, :visited, :active
::first-letter, ::first-line, ::before, ::after, ::selection
Style certain parts of elements
Use the visibility property to define where an element is visible or hidden. Ex) visibility:hidden;
Use the opacity property to define how transparent or opaque an element is. Ex) opacity:.5; (the value can be between 0 and 1 with 1 being fully opaque)
Use the display property to define how an element should be displayed. These values include none, inline, and block
The Box Model
Includes defining an image's size, padding, border, and margin in order to space out elements on a page.
Use properties such as greyscale, hue-rotate, sepia, and invert to add uniqueness to an image.
Used to filter an image over time
Write the following: @keyframes exmaple {
from {property:value;}
to {property:value}
Also, give a tag the animation name
h1 {
animation: example;}
HTML Development
Formating Text
Uses the p tag and put the words inside (<p> </p>)
Use the a tag (<a> </a>)
Use the image tag (<img src="">
Unordered Lists:
Bullet points
Use the tag <ul> </ul>
Ordered Lists:
Ordered numbers
Use the tag <ol> </ol>
List elements
Put text within <li> </li>
Why Cybersecurity?
As the world becomes more and more interconnected, people will become more and more dependent on technology. When Technology fails, this dependence on technology will make us vulnerable.
Most technology in the world at the moment is insecure and needs to have some sort of protection to protect people's confidentiality, integrity, and availability
Many Threats to the Public Internet
Cyber Criminals: Attack systems for profit and for stealing information
Nation States: Countries who hack into the governmental systems of other countries for benefit
Hackers: Steal and hack into systems that could potentially be benefitial to society
Social Engineering
The manipulation of the human
tendency to trust
Types of Deception
Quid Pro Quo
"Something for Something"
Claiming to be technical support but will be actively trying to install malware on the computer
Information gathered from sending a
fake email that looks legitimate, usually
has a consequence if no information is given
Real world
"Trojan Horse"
Phishing directed at higher and older executives of larger companies to steal their information or company information
Personal Security
Information Stealing
Hackers can take personal information that they can use in order to blackmail and steal money
Hackers can also access personal information to exploit and put you in danger
Daily Life
More information than we think
is being collected from our daily
Improving Security
It's important
to keep strong
passwords to
prevent stolen
When you make these websites, you need to make sure it has good security
This will involve Vulnerabilities, Threats and Attacks
Threat( An object, person, or other entity that represents a constant danger
to an asset)
Vulnerability( A design or programming flaw in software or in a system)
Insider Threats
Any authorized user who performs unauthorized actions
that result in loss of control of computational assets
examples: users, privileged users, system administrators, network
administrators, facility support personnel, temporary employees,
Cybersecurity is: Protecting computers against intentional misuse, A terminology that is very commonly used these days, Referring to computer/information security issues that occur because
of the prevalence of the Internet
There are many security properties:
Confidentiality(No one except for authorized personnel can read sensitive information)
Integrity(Attackers cannot change or destroy information)
Non-repudiation(The sender/creator of the information cannot deny the origin of the
Availability: Authorized personnel can access information or services
Outsider Threats
Any unauthorized user who takes advantage of the
vulnerabilities of a system to gain unauthorized access
to the system
examples: Malware: viruses and worms, Trojan horses, spyware and rootkits, Mobile codes, Social engineering, (Distributed) Denial of Service (DDoS)
Counter Measures
Tools used to thwart attacks
called safeguards, protections, and controls
Preventative, Detective, Corrective
Ways to Keep Our Information/Property
Safe: Biometrics, Encryption, and Digital and Mobile Forensics
Used to hide information by means of concealing information in another type of file (hiding a picture in a docx file, etc.)
This method of secret writing involves making systematic changes to the message that is to be sent
Encryption Techniques
Web Design and Development
Web Design
Web designers are responsible for designing the website with styles and making it appealing to others
Web Development
Web developers are responsible for making the website through html and css that a web designer wants to use
The Internet
Use a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) such as
The Domain (
The Path (homepage.html)
The internet is a network of networks that allows people with access to it to communicate and see information
It is important for browsers, such as FireFox, Safari, and Google Chrome, to be up to date in order to process any html and css changes.
Use the table row tag (<tr>) to make a new row. Use the table header tag (<th>) for the first row. Use the table data row (<td>) for every other row
Insert "style=" in any tag and add tag the attribute and value after. Ex) style="color:red;"
A browser is an installation on a computer that allows anyone with access to the internet to view the same information displayed on the internet
Enter a hexadecimal code after the #
rgb(red value, green value, blue value)
Style a certain element normally AND style it in a given state (active, hover...)
The study of hiding information.
Ensures confidentiality
Cipher - a method of hiding or revealing information
Encrption is a way to transform plaintext into unreadable ciphertext.
Decryption is transforming chipher text into plain text
ATM Machines
Online shopping transactions and passwords
Protecting intellectual property or valuable date
Julius Caesar used the rotation of letters technique, and uses the letter 3 letters later in the aplhabet.
Earliest form was found in Egyptian Hieroglyphics - it was a relatively simple reconfiguration of letters, now called transposition cipher.
In America Thomas Jefferson used a cipher wheel during the Revolutionary War
The foundation of all secure messaging on the open internet.
Symmetric Key Encryption - used for encrypting and decrypting information for the same "door"
Shard Secret Encryption - used to securely distribute the key to both parties, but still the same key.
Secret Key Encryption
Private Key Encryption
The concept is that the public key and the private key are both involved in locking and unlocking the hidden information.
The public key is distributed freely