what are the types of mountains?
Fold Mountains- when the rocks layers are pushed and squeezed together. They usually form convergent boundaries.
Fault-Block Mountains-when the tension makes the lithosphere break into pieces. some pieces drop down, other than other pieces. those parts that drop down form a Fault-Block Mountains
Volcanic Mountains-melted rocks erupts on the Earth's surface. they are also associated with convergent boundaries.
How do they form?
When the Earth's tectonic plates crash into each other.
Another way is along Fault Lines, some blocks of Earth are
lifted and tilted, and the plates crumble together.
Plus, when magma from beneath is pushed up. Though it doesn't crack through the surface.
The last and final way is through erosion. it will carve deep channels into the area.
What are the two types of folds?
Synclines-The youngest layer of rock are around the core. The oldest layer are found on the outside. Synclines are stood upward, but look like a bowl.
. Anticlines-They are reversed from Synclines. The oldest layer is on the inside, and the youngest layer is on the outside. Anticlines are arched downwards and high up in the middle.
What are the three types of Faults?
Strike- Slip Faults- the fault blocks move past each other in a horizontal movement.
Normal Faults- the footwall moves up to the hanging wall. the normal faults form when the rock is under tension.
Reverse Faults- Reverse faults are basically the opposite of normal faults. the hanging wall moves up while the footwall goes down. They form when the fault goes under compression.
Where can you find mountains?
The North American Cordillera- United States, Canada, Mexio
The Himalayas-Nepal, Bhutan
The Alps- Switzerland
The Appalachians-Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina