Using mobile and electronic devices assist in retaining information
This Internet Academy also covers these four ethical use topics
Devices help motivate students to learn more and to pay attention longer
These applications help teachers and students collaborate with people outside their immediate academic and social circle
Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Classroom

Why Integrate Technology in the Classroom

Children have been raised with technology

Increased motivation

Higher retention rate

Social and academic benefits

Technology is the future

Applications and Programs That Use The Cloud


Categorize classroom information and access with any device

Students can turn in notes and projects directly to teachers Evernote account. No need to keep track of or carry around numerous student's projects.

Students can access even when absent

Keep track of student progress

Google Apps

Google Docs

Google Calendar

Google Talk

Google Sites

Voice Thread

Interaction with people in and outside your social and academic circle

Beneficial for sharing information with substitute teachers

Student recorded responses


Vetted videos that are appropriate for students and educators

Aide students in retention by hearing the same information but from a different angle

Teacher collaboration

Impact of Mobile Learning

Benefits of Mobile Learning

Higher retention rate

More individualized education

Increased motivation

Personalized content linked to a students base knowledge

Instant feedback and praise

Send teacher student results

Types of Mobile Learning



Apps and Programs

Internet Safety

Educate students to limit the release of personal information

Require safety course/quiz before allowed access to the internet

PBS Kids Webonauts Internet Academy

PBS Kids Webonauts Internet Academy

Cyber Smart Kids Quiz

Ethical Use of Technology

Ethical Use of Technology



Illegal dowloading

Intellectual property

Students learn how to vet websites and sources