testing map sharing with audio
Hello There
This is another tree
Still editing
here I will add the audio
The audio is above. Now I just have to see if it will play
Now this will be a video clip
Here is a quick video
insert video here
Here I will try to embed my soundcould audio
So, turns out all this time it just wont play uploaded audios and videos. But embeds will work jsut fine with the free

And here is an audio note recorded on the fly
This is a private audio track on soundcloud
Now I am testing private share link as multi media
Here is the private share link, direct link
Here is the self hosted private file
Here is a fastmember protected audio that is redirected from a public soundcloud audio. Sounds crazy, but if this works then we can just use amazon aws or archive or any other file hosting. Or just say screw it and upload the files from my pc and make the mindmap super huge. dang near out of options after this one
AAAAAANNNN final backup. This is direct link from my "other" source for "free" hosting... archive.org. Not searchable if I put no tags and put random stuff as the title. not private... but no real way to find it
Testing HTML Embed