The First Snow-Fall
Romantic Characteristics
"And she, kissing back, could not move"
The common man can't get over the pain of his daughter dying.
"I thoguht of a ,mound in sweet Auburn where a little headstone stood"
Express sadness because his daughter had died.
"And the sudden flurries of snow-birds like brown leaves whirling by"
It tells how pretty the birds are by this snow like leaves floating by.
"And I told of the good All-father whoi cares for us here below"
She believes in God who is supernatural.

James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)
Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Entered Harvard College at the age of 15.
By age 30, he had reached his prime as a poet.
He lost 3 out of 4 children and his wife.
He helped found the magazine Atlantic Monthly.
He served as an ambassador to Spain (1877) and to Great Britain (1880).
The poem
It's about a father that talks about his dead daughter and the pain he has.
The snow reminds him of the sadness from his daughter.
He believed in God.
He kissed his living daughter because he can not kiss his dead daughter.