Trophy Hunting - Lion

Trophy Hunting - Lion

What is Trophy Hunting?

Trophy hunting is the hunting of large animals such as elephants and lions and it is licensed by the government to enjoy catching large animals that take the animal's head or animal skin.

Trophy hunting is the hunting of large animals such as elephants and lions and it is licensed by the government to enjoy catc

Lion populations Right now?

There are about 25,000 lions in the world, and the reason for this decline in lions is from hunters, because they contribute to the killing of lions.

There are about 25,000 lions in the world, and the reason for this decline in lions is from hunters, because they contribute

What is the range of a lion?

there are so many lions in most of the forest area in Africa for this more hunters in Africa where more lions are in these spokes of the wood.

there are so many lions in most of the forest area in Africa for this more hunters in Africa where more lions are in these sp

Lion Risk Status?

Lions are currently listed as being vulnerable to the conservation of lions, which are threatened with extinction in West Africa

Lions are currently listed as being vulnerable to the conservation of lions, which are threatened with extinction in West Afr

Arguments against trophy hunting?


Trophy hunting targets young lions more because it is lighter in weight and younger age. That is why the lion community is abnormally low.

Trophy hunting targets young lions more because it is lighter in weight and younger age. That is why the lion community is ab

Arguments in favour of trophy hunting?

They can conserve the land and biodiversity, and they control the number of animals in the land, like lions, which is why legal hunting encourages poaching.

They can conserve the land and biodiversity, and they control the number of animals in the land, like lions, which is why leg


Carwardine, M. (n.d.). An introduction to trophy hunting. discover wildlife. Retrieved November 11, 2021, from
The biggest threat to African lions isn’t trophy hunters, it’s their lack of value to local people. (2017, August 24). Oxford University. Retrieved November 11, 2021, from