Mallar > Kommunikation >

SCAMPER Template

SCAMPER Template

This mind map helps you apply the SCAMPER lateral-thinking creativity technique to a product or service, to help generate ideas leading to new products or services.

Keywords: communication, SCAMPER technique, lateral-thinking, creativity, generate ideas

The SCAMPER model

Generate ideas using the SCAMPER method. SCAMPER is an acronym and each letter stands for a creative thinking and problem-solving technique. These techniques are: substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put to another use, eliminate, reverse.

Type ideas in the template for each of them. Once you have gathered enough ideas you can start implementing them.

Where to next?

Where to next?

SCAMPER is best used alongside other creativity techniques, as it is only one way to generate new ideas.

Once you have gathered enough ideas, you can review them and focus on a few promising ones.

Print your mind map
or Share it with your colleagues.

Product or service name

Begin by typing in the name of your existing product or service

This is your starting point for new ideas. You will need to know it well enough to think about ways that it could be changed or used differently.


Add some ideas based on reversing 'Product or service name' in some way.


Add some ideas based on eliminating 'Product or service name'.

Put to another use

Add some ideas based on using 'Product or service name' for a completely different purpose.


Add some ideas based on modifying 'Product or service name'.


Add some ideas based on adapting 'Product or service name' for other purposes.


Add some ideas based on combining 'Product or service name' with other things.



Add some ideas based on substituting parts of 'Product or service name' or even all of it.

SCAMPER Template

Varför använda en Mindomo mind map-mall?

Tankekartor hjälper dig att brainstorma, skapa relationer mellan begrepp, organisera och generera idéer.

Mallar för mind maps är dock ett enklare sätt att komma igång, eftersom de är ramverk som innehåller information om ett specifikt ämne med vägledande instruktioner. I grund och botten är mind map-mallar en struktur som kombinerar alla element i ett specifikt ämne och fungerar som en utgångspunkt för din personliga mind map. De är en resurs som ger en praktisk lösning för att skapa en mind map om ett visst ämne, antingen för företag eller utbildning.

Mindomo ger dig smarta mind map-mallar som gör att du kan fungera och tänka utan ansträngning.

En mall har olika funktioner:

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