作者:Vitoslava Tatarinova 1 年以前
Firstly, make an inventory of the things you already have in your room.
Secondly, close your eyes and imagine your ideal room. Write down the changes you will make to create the room of your dreams.
Redecorating your room is easy and fun!
В цей складний час, зберігайте спокій, не довіряти сумнівній інформації та читати перевірені джерела.
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Which are the things from the wardrobe?
Example: clothes, socks, shoes etc.
What kind of pet do you have in your room?
What do you want to change in your room?
Which are the things that are placed on the ceiling?
Examples: ceiling lamp, phosphorescent sticky stars etc.
Which are the things that are placed on the shelves?
Examples: books, decorations, flower vases, photos etc.
Which are the things that are hanging on the walls?
Examples: paintings, clock, posters, mirrors etc.