作者:Nustik Nustik 1 年以前
Практическая грамматика
The text provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of English grammar, focusing on different tenses, moods, and structures. It describes methods of expressing the future using forms like Future Simple, "
Практическая грамматика 70. Syntax. The Complex Sentence 69. Syntax. The Compound Sentence 68. Syntax. Word Order 67. Syntax. The Structure of Simple Sentence 66. Syntax. Communicative Types of Sentences 55. Non-Finite Forms of the Verb. Particple I and Participle II Compared Participle II Predicative Constructions with Participle II Participle I Predicative Constructions with Participle I The Gerund and the Verbal Noun Compared The Ing-Forms and the Infinitive Compared Gerund Complexes with the Gerund Infinitive Predicative Constructions with the Infinitive 35. Subjunctive Mood. Conditional Sentences 34. Passive Voice 33. Reported Speech 26. Ways of Expressing Future. Future Simple. Be going to. Present Continuous. Present Simple Past 31. Past Perfect Continuous 30. Past Perfect 25. Past Simple vs. Past Continuous 24. Past Continuous, Used to 23. Past Simple Present 29. Present Perfect Continuous 28. Present Perfect vs. Past Simple 27. Present Perfect 22. Present Simle vs. Present Continuous 21. Present Continuous 20. Present Simple 19. Every - All - Most - Both - Either - Neither - Whole - Each 18. Modal Verbs. Introduction Functions of Modal Verbs and Synonymous Expressions. Summary Expressions of Absence of Necessity Shouldn't - Oughtn't - Needn't + Perfect Infinitive Dare Need Must, Should, Ought to and Had better Compared Shall and Should Ought to Must, Have to and Be to Compared Be to HAVE TO MUST&MAY COMPARED MUST MAY&CAN COMPARED MAY/MIGHT 17. Prepositions 16. Relative Clauses 15 Definite Article. 5.5. The … (names of places). I like (music), I hate (exams). Go to (work), go (home), go to the (cinema). The … A/an and the. 13. Indefinite Pronouns. Much (a) Little (a) Few Many A lot of No Any Some 12 a, an and some 11. Numerals 10. Nouns. Number. Gender 9. Adverbs 8. Adjectives 7. Possessive Case 6. The Verb Have - Have got 5. Interrogative Sentences. Types of Questions 4. Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns Possessive and Absolute Possessive Pronouns Personal and Object Pronouns Demonstartive Pronouns 2. The Verb to be 3. It is - There is 1. Imperative Sentences