作者:Mindomo Team 11 月以前
100 Mind Map IDEAS
Mind mapping offers a versatile approach for organizing thoughts and ideas across various domains. Whether used for personal development, academic success, or professional planning, it helps streamline and simplify complex information.
Mind Map IDEAS Meal planning Create a journal Research your idols Learn parts of speech Plan & present your CV Set personal challenges Prepare for an interview Porter's 5 forces analysis Plan a business workshop Create a restaurant menu Set new year's resolutions Delve into your family tree List of home improvements Create maps with funny quotes Summarise an event or concert Organise your favourite websites Set SMART goals for the next year Organise & bring order to daily life Create a map with inspiring people Investigate what makes you unhappy Organise house & paint colours/codes Research inspiring & successful people Discover what you want to do with your life Categorise crops, plants & flowers in your garden Explore potential answers to world problems Study & learn a new topic, culture or country or language Teach small kids animals, foods, plants etc Manage your day/week/month/year Develop your creative thinking Outline your writing/essays Increase your brain power Study, learn & pass exams Control time management Tap your unique talents Map out your interests Plan your medications Summarise your skills Analyse your dreams Plan your learning Free up your mind Innovate & invent Explore your past Simplify your life Plan your career Solve problems Create targets Plan speeches Plan an event Plan a party Research Manage a risk Exercise plan Plan a holiday Plan a website Plan a wedding Master a subject Compare options Devise checklists Plan foods & diets Plan presentations Car improvements Pinpoint your values Create a SWOT analysis 6 thinking hats analysis Conduct a project review Plan a business meeting Define a business project Plan your reading material Explore existing knowledge Identify multiple perspectives Create acronyms for memorisation Categorise your Music CD’s & DVD’s Investigate lessons learnt from failures Differences between American English and British English Summarise content of videos/DVD’s/Films/Talks/Speeches Take charge of your emotions & plan positive action Outline your business or a potential new business Consolidate your existing knowledge Investigate what makes you happy Plan your schedules: to do lists Create instruction templates Contemplation & relaxation Improve thinking skills Brainstorm new ideas Expand existing ideas Plan your retirement Clarify your thoughts Unlock your potential Outline your hobbies Increase motivation Boost your memory Self-investigation Summarise books Plan your budget Plan a blog post Make decisions Shopping list Plan your life Write recipes Take notes