作者:Madison Stevens 6 年以前
The document provides an overview of various phyla within the animal kingdom, focusing on distinct characteristics and example organisms for each group. Porifera, such as hexactinellid and demosponge, are simple animals without a nervous system, reproducing both sexually and asexually.
The Animal Kingdom Chordata Mammals hair or fur. Sweat glands. Birds fly feathers. Reptiles scales or scutes backbone Amphibians example Subtopic Amphibians absorbs water and oxygen moist, scaleless skin cold-blooded animals Fish examples Goldfish Guppy Fish Detect Nearby Movements Breathe Underwater Gills Arthropoda Myriapods Examples Centipedes Symphyla Myriapods Simple eyes Simple eyes. Many pairs of legs Example Crustaceans Krill Crab Crustaceans pair of green glands two pairs of antennae two compound eyes arachnids examples Spider Ticks Arachnids well-developed head. segmented Example Insects Beetle Ant Insects three pairs of legs. exoskeleton antennae Main topic Annelida Earthworm Leech Nervous system Body wall Nematoda pinworms hookworms Parasitism & Crytobiosis. Protective Cuticle Simple Digestive System. Platyhelminthes Example Organism flatworms tapeworms, Free- Living living on or in another organism soft-bodied Echinodermata Example organism Sea cucumber Sea urchin marine animals triploblastic Mollusca scallops squid Body is covered by a mantle and shell. three layers. body is soft and unsegmented. Cnidarians Jellyfish Starfish two body layers aquatic tentacles with stinging cells Porifera Example Organisms Demosponge Hexactinellid Characteristics Reproduce sexually or asexually filter feeders. Has no nervous system.