作者:Kay Knebel 10 年以前
Let It Go
Investigate it Further
Ask Other People
Confront him online
Post online for the world to see
You get suspended for being a bully.
Wait to send out the email to the masses
Missed Kaution talk to him at school tomorrow
Think "Liar, Liar"
Sleep On It
Never respond in anger! Because you slept on it, you didn't get into trouble, but you didn't help your friend either.
You've Got Trista's Back
Believe Kaution
Don't Report Him! What if You are Next??
It will keep happening maybe even to you!
Stranger Danger! Report imposter
Ends Well
Red Flag
You Get it
Forget it
Post "told you so"
Ask a teacher for advice
Expose Kaution through a sting operation
Don't Play into the game
State "Enough is Enough"
Chicken Out
Confront Kaution
Find Out Kaution Really likes Trista
Give your friend a hug
Could have done better
De-Friend Trista right now
Offer A Peace Offering
After a While are Friends again
Do Nothing
No Longer Friends