类别 全部 - storm - antagonist - struggle

作者:Fateema Mack 6 年以前


A Fantasy World

The narrative discusses two prominent characters from mythological tales, Poseidon and Humbaba. Poseidon, the god of the sea, remains consistent in his behavior, exhibiting pettiness and vindictiveness, especially after his son, Polyphemus, is blinded.

A Fantasy World

A Fantasy World

Internal struggle and driven external force played a major role in Humbaba's life. His driven force was from the God of Enil who assigned him as a terror to human beings. Internal struggle played a role by him actually taking the initiative to protect and defeat.

Humbaba actually remained the same until he was forced to up his character when he saw Gilgamesh. "After he noticed there was no getting out of the way of Gilgamesh he pleaded mercy." Stating, "He would cut down any tree Gilgamesh asked him to. He also spoke to Enkidu stating why he stood as the big bad monster. He no longer stood as the bad guy.

Humbaba is considered an Antagonist. I say this because he has to face Gilgamesh at some point in the story.

The monster is unpredictable (he can change his face), petty for scaring people away just because of how he looks, and very sympathetic when it comes to Gilgamesh.

Humbaba is pretty hideous, he has hands and face of a lion, body covered with thorny scales, horns of a wild bull and a tail that ends with snakes head.

Humbaba was a ugly monster who guards the Cadar Forest. He gets really upset and upsetting things when someone or something is heard. He is ugly to not let people pass through to get to the other side.


Internal struggle and driven external force played a role with Poseidon. I do think he was forced once his son was blind. His pettiness and boldness caused him to make storms etc. in the sea.

In book 9. I think Poseidon remained the same. Being the petty God that he is, he blinded Polyphemus. Using his powers to do so, did not lead me to think he changed. He also whipped up the sea with his waves and caused a storm as usual. This storm was so server that he made Odysseus shipwreck.

Poseidon is considered a Antagonist to me because he seems to be greedy for wanting to take over. He is in direct contact with Odysseus.

He is considered moody, greedy, unpredictable, petty and caring. Hes caring to a point where he do mean things to punish people with his waves.

Poseidon has sea green eyes, wavy brown and streaked hair, and wore a crown that symbolized his powers.


Poseidon was a water God who used his powers to form strong waves and violent storms when he is upset.