类别 全部 - pozos - interferencia - hidráulica - acuíferos

作者:Janet Vilchez 4 年以前


Acuíferos en régimen estable

Acuíferos en régimen estable

Originando un mayor nivel piezometrico que el individual

Aguas Subterráneas

Interferencia de pozos

Las perforaciones en explotación generan un cono de depresión

Interferencia de perforaciones

Mas de una perforación, los conos de depresión se interceptan

Acuíferos en régimen estable

Follow these guidelines and you will have a success in keeping your resolution!

Acuíferos en régimen no estable

Soluciones gráficas (Rectas de descensos)
Log de 1/r^2
Log de tiempo

Hidráulica de los pozos de captación

Evaluate your progress.

How well did I do in the first month? And the second? Did I achieve the goal that I set for myself?

Acuíferos confinados
Acuíferos libres

Add your observations of your progress!

If there are things you would want to improve/change next month, add those here too.

Terreno impermeable

After reviewing your progress add here your thoughts on what you think you should work on more and what are the things you are doing good.

What did I do good?

What should I still focus on?

Espesor y permeabilidad uniforme

It takes sacrifice to get results. Type in here if keeping your resolution affects your life negatively.

Acuífero indefinido

Add your thoughts on the positive things you obtained while keeping your resolution and how they influenced your life or the life of the people around you.


Hipótesis simplificativas

Less is more! Do not follow the crowd, think about what you really want to achieve next year. Set your resolutions!

Alimentación continua
Medio homogéneo e isotropo
Aplicable la ley de Darcy
Componente vertical de la velocidad casi nula
Superficies equipotenciales planas
Agua y suelo incompresibles
Régimen permanente

Type in your resolution.

Long-term goal

When you set a goal, you should also set a reward for accomplishing it.

Short-term goal

Set your goals while having your resolution in mind. You should set short-term and all-year long-term goals so you can start seeing results right away.

- go to the gym 2 times a week in the first 3 months, go 5 times a week by the end of year
- pay 1/4 of debts by may and pay all of it by the end of the year


Make a step-by-step plan. It's easier to follow, and the one step at a time method will keep your motivation up.

Questions that might help you:


When you set a goal, you should also set a reward for accomplishing it.

- if you managed not to buy anything new for 3 months, then you should get 1 thing in a limit of a small amount
- if you lost the desired kilograms in 3 months, you should get your favorite food (with a limit, of course) to celebrate