类别 全部 - resource - service - communication

作者:William Balthrop 12 年以前


Agent Design Requirements

The document outlines the foundational requirements for developing an agent-based system designed to manage horticulture activities within a specified zone. It clarifies key terms such as "

Agent Design Requirements

Agent Design Requirements

See Glossary document in map Legend.

For the purpose of this document the following terms are defined:

Resource: Any raw or finished materiel, item, component, or thing that can be used or consumed; also includes human labor and services.

Agent: An autonomous software application that acts to fill a need in the operation of society. An Agent provides one or more Services.

Service: A function perfomed, either by automation or humans, that provides something useful to society.

Zone: An area that an element operates within.

Requirement Elements

Learning Requirements

Most Agents will contain intrinsic knowledge of their environment that is required for it to perform its purpose, and some may include machine learning algorithms that are used to make complex desisions. The types and areas of learning should be broken down into sub topics.

Special Learning Algorithms

Repesents things that an agent will need to learn over time to adjust its decision making behavior optimization.

Example: The time at which occupants will normally return home. The environmental conditions such as temperature can then be adjusted to optimize energy efficiency.

Extrinsic Knowledge

The knowledge of the environment or other factors outside the agents scope that it needs to perform its purpose. This will generally mean information passed to it by other agents.

Example: Delivery time for an item being transported from another location.

Intrinsic Knowledge

The knowledge of the environment or other factors within the agents scope that it needs to perform its purpose.

Example: The teperature of a room.

Requirement Purpose

The Purpose statement should be short; a few sentences up to a paragragh. The Purpose statement identifies the Agents primary role. It is analogous to the job description one might assign to a human worker.

Requirement Scope

The scope should be a singbe statement in one or two sentences that defines the operational domain the requirement exists in. It's analogous to the area of responsibility one might assign to a human worker.

For example, an Agent may havne a scope the encompases the entire city, in that a single agent instance may be responsible for any action within the city.

Altenatively an Agent may have a scope of one building. An agent instance will know about and deal with any work for it's assigned building only.



Please see link.

Nodes Colors
Expert Research Required for Instantiation

Specific domain / technological knowledge is required to further breakdown this requirement by which xCEN Instantiation will be done.

All nodes under an Orange node are subject to color change, until the parent Orange node is verified (Blue node color).

pending verification

Verified requirments can only be set by AB or TX

pending removal

Requirments removal can only be done by AB or TX


Subject to discussion

more detail required
Text Colors

Keyword Breakdown - Yellow keyword is the focus of requirements breakdown from the immediate top node.

Following yellow keywords along green nodes will make clear the pending verrification path of breakdown from top nodes.

Following yellow keywords along blue nodes will make clear the verified path of breakdown from top nodes.

On Orange nodes, yellow keywords focus the breakdown along which the relevant expert domain knowledge is required.


These nodes are under current investigation / breakdown, and should be ignored by approval process.

William Balthrop [WB]
Kostas Karasavvas [KK]
Thanasys Eleftheropoulos [TE]
Julian Jolivet [JJ]
Andrew Buxton [AB]
Joab Russo [JR]
Sven Gillessen [TX]
Link Colors

Links are a convinient way to add metadata to the map.

light blue

suggested move of node and maybe sub-nodes


Red links designate logical connections between nodes


Green links are used to reduce map complexity by avoiding repetition.

Agent Types 1.0

Assembly Agent 1.20

Assembly Agent Purpose

The Assembly Agent and Robot are responsible for assembling small components into larger components or finished goods. The size and complexity of the Agent and Robot will vary with the designed parameters for the process. Some will be small, merging parts in a simple manufacturing process, while others may be huge machines used to construct large structures.

Recycling Agent Scope

There is one Assembly Agent per Assembly Robot.

There may be numerous Assembly Robots used in a process.

Structure Utility Agent 1.19


Food and beverages.

Retrieval of items in storage.

Storage of items not needed right away.


Maintenance schedules and history

meal planning menu


All the sensors and actuators required the robot.

Agent Communication

This agent communicates with a number of other agents, such as request and transport agents, the all agents that operate in the local structure.

City Manager Agent Purpose

The Structure Utility Agent and Robot is a multi-function, general-purpose mobile platform able to carry out a number of utility roles within a building. The Structure Utility Agent and Robot will reside in the service access and utility portion of a building;. most likely below ground with access to underground transport tunnels. It will also be able to access all areas of a building for maintanence.

The agent and robot are responsible for:

Receiving any goods shipped to the building

Storage of goods to goods received in the buildings storage areas; refrigerators, freezers, dry lockers, etc.

Prepares goods, and waste for shipment out from the building.

Perform all maintenance and repair of the structure and utility areas such as storage, refrigeration and freezer lockers, food preparation equipment, the buildings xCen computer, automation systems equipment closets, water, gas, electric and waste system within the structure.

Prepare meals.

Wash clothes.

Operate and maintain local fabrication equipment such as 3D printers.

Recycling Agent Scope

There will be one Structure Utility Agent per Structure Utility Robot. There may be one or more Structure Utility Robots per residential building.

City Manager Agent 1.18

City Manager Agent Purpose

The City Manager Agent’s job is diverse and vast. It is responsible for making sure the the city infrastructure is built and maintained adequately.

Functions/Infrastructure Area:

Transportation systems

Public Roads

Service roads and tunnels

Communications networks

Food and water supply

Recreation and common grounds and facilities

Electricity and Gas supply

Waste and stormwater treatment and recycling

Construction site allocation/zoning

Emergency Response Centers

Recycling Agent Scope

There is one City Manager Agent per city.

Recycling Agent 1.17

Recycling Agent Purpose

The Recycling Agent is responsible for taking all waste products, including garbage, animal and human waste in the city, and breaking them down into useful substances that can be repurposed. The actual recycling may be distributed or centralized depending on the most efficient means of accomplishing the task.

It should be possible to achieve at least a 99% efficiency in the coversion of waste into usefull substances. The benefit to this approach is that once stable, other than power, the only inputs to society for additional resources will be to replace that 1% that can't be captured by recycling, and to accomidate growth of population or standard of living.

Recycling Agent Scope

The Recycling Agent services the entire city.

Architectural Agent 1.16

Human Interface Requirement

The agent will work with people through an interactive 3D interface to design a project.

Agent Communication

After designing a project, this agent will contact a Request Agent to place the order.

Architectural Agent Purpose

The Architectural Agent will work with people to determine the design requirements, and then design a building or structure to accommodate those requirements.

This agent will permit a person to interactively design a structure, such as a home. And then submit the request through a Request Agent which will then call on a Construction Agent that will oversee all of the details of producing a residence from the design.

Architectural Agent Scope

The Architectural Agent is resposible for the design of one building, structure or project.

Process Control Agent 1.15


Directly control the machines, actuators, motors, etc.


Feedback sesors from the machine being controlled.

Agent Communication

This agent may work under the supervision of a manager agent like the Food Processor Agent, or it may work independently, directly filling requests from a Request Agent.

Process Cortrol Agent Purpose

The Process Control Agent is responsible for one process. That process may be simple and housed in a single room, and lasting only a few milliseconds, or it may be large involving many buildings, or even cities over a long period of time.

The process Control Agent is perhaps the most flexible of agents in that it can be programmed and configured to fill a wide variety of roles. Simply put this agent will control the flow of a process to accomplish some task. A few examples are listed below:

Examples of processes:

* Control the creation of steel in a mini steel mill.

* Control the assembly of a robot.

* Control the manufacture of parts.

* Control the refinement of chemicals.

Process Control Agent Scope

The scope varies depending on the process.

Food Processor Agent 1.14

Agent Communication

This agent will communicate with the Request Agent to order supplies. It also receives requests from the Request Agent for types and quantity of food that will be needed.

It also communicates with the Resource Agent to update inventories, because every process step maintains it own count. For example, the number of raw harvested carrots, cleaned and cut carrots, diced carrots and sliced carrots are all distinct inventory counts.

Food Processing Agent Purpose

The Food Processing Agent is responsible for converting all of the agricultural crops grown, into usable food products, and then packages them for temporary storage and delivery.

Most foods are delivered in their raw form, however they still need to be trimmed and cleaned.

Occasionally some things may be canned for longer term storage, or preprocessed for convenience. The agent will coordinate and control all of those processes. It will also talk with the agriculture, aquaculture and horticulture agents to coordinate the supply of required food stuffs.

Food Processor Agent Scope

The Food Processor Agent is responsible for one food processing building.

Emergency Response Agent 1.13


Report emergency


Emergency Escape Routes

Emergency equipment locations


Emergency Siren or horn.

Emergency lights (battery backup)

Agent Communication

The Emergency Response Agent will coordinate with the Dispatch Agent, and Request Agent to handle all emergency situations.

Emergency Responce Agent Purpose

The Emergency Response Agent will work in tight coordination with the Dispatch Agent to handle an emergency situation. This agent has special knowledge of emergency and disaster preparedness, and remediation. This agent will coordinate with emergency vehicles, equipment and personel when required to deal with the situation.

Emergency Responce Agent Scope

There is one Emergency Response Agent per city.

Extraction Agent 1.12

Agent Communication

An Extraction Agent will coordinate with the regional Request, Dispatch and Resource agents to deliver the required resource when needed.

Extraction Agent Purpose

The Extraction Agent’s purpose is to oversee the extraction of resources from a site. It will monitor all conditions at the site, and assess the quantity of remaining resources. It can receive requests from a Request agent that lives with the regional Resource agent. It keeps the resource agent up to date on resource inventory and supplies resources based on requests from a request agent.

Industrial areas outside the city, are self contained, and where possible include extraction, refining, forging, forging, manufacturing, production, storage and distribution. These industrial nodes will be connected via high speed rail the the population centers for distribution of goods.

Extraction Agent Scope

The Extraction Agent is unique to resource site; a mine, forest, rock quarry, etc.

Construction Agent 1.11


The Request represents information that a human has provided through an interface.


Presentation represents information that is provided to a human for display.


Outputs represent how the agent talka directly to devices to effect them. For example, turn a motor, or light off and on.

Where the output is dependant on some complex processes, that proceess should be explained here.


The Inputs are things that the Agent can read, such as room temperature, location, limit switches, or any other type of information about the environment that agent needs to fulfil its purpose.

Agent Communication

The Construction Agent will communicate with numerous other agents (often mobile bots) to perform the work. The nature of all those agents is not yet known because they will depend on the technology available, and the goal of the construction project.

This agent also communicates with a Request Agent to request supplies, and the Resource Agent to maintain inventory levels.

Construction Agent Purpose

A Construction Agent is responsible for constructing something; buildings, earthworks (such as ditches or canals), and large assemblies.

Buildings include any structure; homes, offices/labs, etc.

Earth works include ditches, canals, dams, roads, sidewalks, paths, ponds, rails, tunnels, etc.

Large assemblies include special purpose construction robots, scaffolding, support, bridges, transport units (cars, buses, planes and trains)

The Construction Agent acts as a project manager, coordinating with other specialized agents to do the work, and with a Request Agent to order supplies.

Requirement Scope

The Construction Agent is unique to a construction project.

Horticulture Agent 1.10


Feed supply

Water supply


Water quality, contaminants

Ambient Temperature

Video monitoring of animals

Agent Communication

The Horticulture Agent will communicate with a Request Agent to order supplies, such as food, and chemicals.

Will communicate with a special bot for harvesting or handling of animals through the Horticulture Tender Agent.

Will also keep the Resource Agent up to date with current resource levels:




Chemicals and medicine use in treating the animals

Horticulture Tender Agent (bot): Capture and Treat

Horticulture Tender Agent (bot): Capture and move

Horticulture Tender Agent (bot): Order Harvest

Horticulture Agent Purpose

The Horticulture Agent will control every automated aspect of nurturing/tending livestock and other animals. The animals raised will restricted to those that can subsist off of the waste plant material left over after harvesting. Animal waste, is then returned to the system after being processed as nutrients for the plants.

Horticulture Agent Scope

The Horticulture Agent is responsible for one Horticulture zone. That is, a contiguous area within the city that is reserved for the exclusive purpose of growing and harvesting livestock and other animals.

Aquaculture Agent 1.9


Nutrients - fish food

Aerators to control oxygen level

Medicine or chemical treatments for disease, parasites, or other unwanted and detrimental substance.


Water Quality; flow, oxygen level, contaminants

The Aquaculture agent will communicate with a Request Agent to order supplies, such as fish food, and chemicals.

Will communicate with a special bot for harvesting or handling of fish through the Aquaculture Tender Agent.

Will also keep the Resource Agent up to date with current resource levels:


Fish food


Chemicals use in treating the water

Aquacultutre Tender Agent (bot): Capture and Treat

Aquacultutre Tender Agent (bot): Capture and move

Aquacultutre Tender Agent (bot): Order Harvest

Resource Agent: Inventory Counts

Request Agent: Request Supplies

Aquaculture Agent Purpose

The Aquaculture Agent will control every automated aspect of nurturing/tending and harvesting fish for food. The aquaculture tanks have a symbiotic relationship with the agricultural areas. Plant waste provide nutrients for the fish, while fish waste provides nutrients for plants.

Aquaculture Agent Scope

The Aquaculture Agent is responsible for one aquaculture zone. That is, a contiguous area within the city that is reserved for the exclusive purpose of growing and harvesting fish.

Agriculture Agent 1.8


Artificial lighting



Humidity controller





Nutrient levels

Soil Moisture

Light Levels

The agent must have detailed knowledge about how to plant, grow and harvest the many types of plants that are grown in its zone.

Soil requirements for ground plants.

Nutrient requirements for hydroponic and Aeroponic plants.

Must be able to tell when a plant is ready to be harvested.

Must know how to extract the harvestable portion of the plant without harming the main plant.

Must know about the types of problems (pests, disease), how best to remediate each problem.

Must know how to package and prepare harvested food for shipment to the Food Processor Agent.

Must know how to package and prepare harvested waste material for shipment to the Aquaculture Agent, and/or the Horticulture Agent.

Agriculture Agent Purpose

The Agriculture Agent’s purpose is to be responsible for the planting tending and harvesting of a number of different crops. The Agriculture Agent will control every automated aspect of planting, nurturing/tending and harvesting plants for food and other purposes.

Agriculture Agent Scope

The Agriculture Agent is responsible for one agriculture zone. That is, a contiguous area within the city that is reserved for the exclusive purpose of growing and harvesting plants.

Transport Agent 1.7


Touch screen

Interactive Voice Command


Display map, and route information.

Interactive Verbal Communication


Vehicle control


Unit status and operating parameters

Ambient temperature

Road condition; such as wet, icy or snow.

Agent Communication

The Transport agent coordinates all activities through the Dispatch agent. Units that carry humans are able to communicate with the occupants and take orders.

If, for example, a person requests an impromptu stop, while en-route, the Transport Agent will communicate with the Dispatch Agent to get permission. This is done for the safety of the occupants.

Transport Agent Purpose

The Transport Agent controls a single ground transport unit. Transport units may be used for move people or for resource delivery; to transport something from one place to another. One sub-function of the Transport Agent is the navigation system that permits safe and efficient travel.

The transport Agent only receives orders from the Dispatch Agent. If a passenger wishes to make a mid trip change in the destination, they do so by communicating with a Request Agent which will route the request to the Dispatch Agent. The Dispatch Agent, will then coordinate the change in travel plans and order the Transport Agent to change course.

Transport Agent Scope

A Transport Agent is reponsible for a single ground transport unit.

Dispatch Agent 1.6

The Dispatch agent will communicate with other agents requesting transport, and with the individual transport agents to fill those requests.

Transport Agent: Status

Request Agent: Cancel Transport

Request Agent: Request Transport

Transport Agent: Request Status

Transport Agent: Instructions

Learning Requirements

The agent will learn what optimum routes are from point to point. It will know when areas are under construction or a route is blocked for any reason and then reroute traffic around those areas by issuing orders to the Transport agents affected.

Dispatch Agent Purpose

The Dispatch Agent’s purpose is to know where every transport vehicle is, and to know the status of those vehicles. This agent will receive orders from people needing transport from one location to another through a Request Agent. It also receives orders for the transport of goods within the city. It will communicate with the Transport Agents in each vehicle to negotiate a delivery task be completed. It is the Dispatch Agents role to monitor traffic throughout the city and ensure congestion does not occur.

Dispatch Agent Scope

The Dispatch Agent is unique to each city. Its function can be quite complex as it serves the needs of the Request Agent in that city.

Request Agent 1.5

Human Interface Requirement

The Request Agent relies heavily on an interface with users to browse and search for available options, and hn order the items desire. The Interface is also used to request services. Where possible the interface should should provide multiple options for interacting; graphics for pictures and details, and either a touch or voice response system. Any voice response system should be able to recognize natural language commands.


A person may request a resource, and provide all the details many of which may be specific to the item being ordered.

A person may also select and confirm an order once the delivery details have been displayed.

The Request Agent maintains an inventory database of where it thinks resources are located and the quantity available. This is used for a quick reference shopping list to show a rough count of available units for each item.

If the user then narrows a selection by selecting a resource and desired quantity, then Resource Reserve Request is put out that gets a firm commitment and eta for delivery. If the user confirms the order then a Resource Order is sent which places a permanent hold on those resources.

Every time the Request Agent receives information about a resource its inventory database is updated. If the last recorded date is old or the resource is remote, a simple resource count may be requested from the Resource Agent or from the Request Agent in change. by the Agent to update its tables with current information.

Agent Communication

A Request Agent may may negotiate with other Request Agents, Resorce Agents that are in its domain, the the Transportation Agent in its domain, in order to satisfy a request.

Dispatch Agent: Transportation Available for resource

AnyAgent: Resource Cancel

AnyAgent: Order Resource


Send represents messages sent to other agents

Dispatch Agent: Cancel transport

Dispatch Agent: Request transport

Any Agent: Resouce Shiped

Any Agent: Resource Cancel

Any Agent: Resource Ordered

Any Agent: Resource Reserved

Any Agent: Reserve Resource

Any Agent: Resource Count

Learning Requirements

The agent will learn what optimum sources of resources are, so that it can more effectively arrange delivery. It will also learn what the likes and dislikes of a particular requester are so that it can better tailor it searches. Think of the Request agent as the Google for resources.

Request Agent Purpose

When a resource is needed somewhere, the request agent receives that request for a resource. The request could come directly from a person, from another request agent in another city or from a Resource Agent.

After receiving a request the agent will poll all of the Resource Agents for available resources of that type requested.

If the request is marked 'whole': If it finds all of the desired resource then it will then negotiate a delivery time with the transportation agent and send a Resource Available with delivery eta back to the requestor.

If the request is marked 'partial': If it finds any of the desired resource then it will then negotiate a delivery time with the transportation agent and send a Resource Available quantity with delivery eta back to the requestor.

The original requestor must either confirm to Order, or Cancel. If the Request Agent gets an Order, then it will notify the Resource Agents and Transportation Agent involved. Once the Transportation Agent sends a confirmation to the Request Agent that delivery is scheduled, then a confirmation is returned to the original requestor.

If it receives a Cancel, then a Cancel is forwarded to the Resource and Transportation Agents.

The Requestor will keep and track the progress of an order until it is either canceled or confirmation of delivery is received.

Request Agent Scope

The Request Agent scope is normally for a city. In the case of non city resources such as extraction sites, the scope wil lbe for a region the encompases one or more extraction sites.

Grounds Agent 1.4


Ability to inspect maitenance history.


Sprinkler systems (watering zones)

Nutrient injection to water supply





Wind speed

Soil moisture in each watering zone

Soil PH in each watering zone

Soil Nitrogen level in each watering zone

Video surveillance of grounds


Request Agent: Confirm Order

Weather Agent: Weather forecast


Request Agent: Maintenance request

Request Agent: Supply/Equipment request

The agent will learn what the optimum parameters are for the area's growing conditions; how often to water plants, etc.

Knowledge of the weather forecast will permit the Grounds Agent to alter behavior to optimize care.

The Grounds Agent needs to know everything required to maintain the landscaping surrounding the building where is is assigned.

This will include the species of every plant growing in the area; also, the proper nutrients, water and environment for each. I will need to know what kinds of pests or problems to watch out for and how to identify each.

It will also need to know what types of Bots to request for to accomplish certain tasks.

Grounds Agent Purpose

The purpose of the Grounds Agent is to maintain the lawns, plants, shrubs and other landscaping that surround a building in the city. The Grounds Agent fills the role typically done by a lanscape gardner. When required, the Grounds Agent may solicit the help of bots to do some of the work, such as mowing the grass, trimming the shrubs, etc.

Grounds Agent Scope

The scope for the grounds agent will typically represent the area immediately surrounding a structure and includes all lawns, plant and shrubs used for landscaping.

Resource Agent 1.3

Interface Requirements

Human Interface Requirement

The agent will need to provide information about its resorces, and receives requests for a resource.


A resource


Configuration data.

Current resorce levels.

Rate of consumption or production.

History of resorce requests for in and out flows.


Able to descern an addition or subtraction of resouces from a zone.


This agent will communicate with a Request Agent when its supply of a resource drops below its required quantity. When the quantity drops to a certain level, this agent may start making requests just to determine the best source for replacement in case it requires extra time.

Request Agent: Confirm Resource Order

Request Agent: Resources Available


This agent will communicate with a Request Agent when its supply of a resource drops below its required quantity. When the quantity drops to a certain level, this agent may start making requests just to determine the best source for replacement in case it requires extra time.

Request Agent: Order Resource

Reqest agent: Find Resource

Learning Requirements

Learn consumption demand patterns and resupply times.



Resource Agent Purpose

Monitor all of the resources within its domain. If the resources are being consumed at this location, then request additional resources from a Request Agent if the supply drops below a given level.

If this is a production location (as in a factory, or an extraction node/mine), then this agent is responsible for anticipating production quantities and its ability to meet future demand.

When a request for resources is made of the agent, it can either confirm the full order, confirm a partial order, deny an order. When an order is confirmed those resources are placed on reserve, so that they cannot be promised twice. They will stay on reserve until the confirmation to ship is received, or the request is canceled. A cancel request removes the resources from reserve making them available again. If the order to ship comes in the resources are changed from reserve to committed.

Resource Agent Scope

The scope for the Resource agent may be very simple or vast depending on where it is working. An agent may be responsible for the resources in a single structure, or monitoring natural resources within a region.

Sanitation Agent 1.2


Configuration of agent.

people may request a mess to be cleaned up, and not wait for the next scan.

Ste up and configure cleaning schedules.


Configuration data.

Display cleaning schedule.

Display history of orders.



Deodorizing and antibacterial aerosol release into the ventilation system.


Visual scan of area at predetermined intervals.

feedback from mobile bots equiped with sensors to anaylize the contaminant.

Request Agent: ETA Confirmation or delivery of Cleaning Bot


Issue orders to specialized cleaning bots.

If the required cleaning bot is not on premises, orer a bot to be delivered. Example: Some specialized cleaning may require the services of a bot that is shared by an entire building, or neighborhood.

Request Agent: Special Cleaning Bot

Learning Requirements

Depending on the type of situation, there may be several ways to remediate a problem. The Sanitation Agent can learn the most effective method for its given environment.

The agent should be able to learn the social routine of people and adjust its schedule as to not be intrusive, yet efficietly get the job done.

Example: A person routinely leaves their clothes on a chair as they go to bed. The agent should know not to disturb the area and pick up the clothes until that person has risen the next day.

Must be aware of the other special cleaning bots that are available in the system to call upon for a special job.

Intrinsic knowledge should include information about the area, what normal should look like.

Maintain schedule of normal maintenance cleaning.

Must have knowledge of the types of things to look for for, what is acceptable what is not.

For example: Monitoring a work bench. You would not want a housekeeping bot dispatched every time a person set down a wrench to pick up a screw driver. The Agent must be smart enough to know when someone is working to wait until they are done or a when cleanup is requested.

Sanitation Agent Purpose

This agent may be complex or simple in the scope of the area in its domain. Sanitation includes removing objects that are out of place (clutter) and arranging for them to be put back where they belong. It may also include identifying dirty or soiled surfaces and arranging to have that surface cleaned. This agent may negotiate with other agents, such as a housekeeping agent to accomplish remediation. When it finds a condition out of tolerance it will order remediation of the situation.

Depending on the environment, a sanitation agent may be on a fixed or mobile platform.

This agent also is responsible for keeping a regular cleaning schedule and ordering the appropriate bots to do the work.

Some examples could include:

1. Upon noticing muddy footprints the floor-bot is ordered to clean the floor.

3. Upon noticing clothes lying on the floor, the housekeeping-bot is ordered to pick up dirty clothes.

Monitor sanitation factors (inputs), and then coordinates the remediation of those factors that are out range (outputs) with other agents.

Sanitation Agent Scope

The Sanitation Agent scope is defined by configuration. It may be an entire building or a zone which can be one or more rooms.

Environmental Agent 1.1

Interface Requirements

The interface Requirements define how the agent will inteact with the outside world; represented by Communication (with other agents) and human interface.


Human Interface Requirement

Some Agents will need to interact with people through a human/machine inteface. That may take the form of a display device such as a flat panel disply, tablet or swart phone and a device for recieving inputs such as a keyboard, or touch screen.



Configuration of agent.

Permit the setting of environmental factors.



Configuration data.

Display history of environmental readings; montly water sage, energy usage, etc.

Control Zone 1..n

Local Interface Requirements

The local interface includes inputs from sensors, or reading devices within the agents scope. It may also include outputs to actuators or external devices within the agents scope.

A simple example is a temperature control system. Inputs would include temperature readings from a room. Outputs may include the furnace and blower, or may involve changing the opacity of the winows, opening or closing shutters or other temperature control devices.



Turn heating and cooling system on/off.

Turn on alarm if air contamination exceeds safe ligmits; smoke from a fire.

Turn on/off on-demand water heater.

Set lighting to the desired levels.



Sensors: Air and water temperature, humidity, soil moiture, Ambient light level.

Agent Communication

Agent Communication

Represents the messaging between agents; as send or receive. Evry send message to an agent must have a corresponding receive node at the receiving agent.



Receive represents messages received from other agents.

Emergency Responce Agent: ETA of Emergency Unit



Notify the Emergency Responce Agent of a life threatening environmental condition; fire, air quality hazard, etc.

Emergency Responce Agent: Emergency


Learning Requirements

This agent will be capable of learning the habits of the occupants within its domain as well as external factors from its location such as weather, and adjust environmental factors accordingly.


Adjust temperatures around personal schedule and habits to maximize comfort and efficiency.

Special Learning Algorithms

Extrisic Knowledge

Intrinsic Knowledge


Record energy consuption over time and by major fuction; for heating of air, heating of water, lighting, appliaces.

This information will be used by the learning algorithms to obtain maximum energy efficiency.


Record lighting patterns by time and occupancy. Information may be used for predictive setting of lighting patterns.

Occupants may record situational desired patterns for example different settings for romatic dining, or dinner party.


Water quality is cosntantly monitored and recorded.

Ambient water temperture is recorded over time.

Also records the desired water temperature for each occupant for bathing purposes.






Environmental Agent Purpose

Monitor environmental factors (inputs), and then maintain those factors within specified parameters (outputs). Collaborate with other agents when needed to accomplish a goal.

This agent may be complex in the number of things that may be monitored; however, the functioning of each parameter is simple; such as keeping temperature within a certain range.

Example factors: temperature, humidity, air quality, soil moisture, lighting, etc.


Environmental Agent Scope

Environmental Agent scope is defined by configuration. It may be an entire building or a zone which can be one or more rooms.