作者:Fernanda Rendón 6 年以前
The text provides a comprehensive guide to understanding various phrasal verbs, particularly those associated with the verb "break." Each phrasal verb is explained with its meaning and contextual examples to illustrate practical usage.
Bibliografia: Rengifo, C.R, (2016), Legislación laboral aplicada, Bogotá, Colombia, Universidad ECCI. Break Off Example: He started to speak but then broke off to answer the phone. Meaning: suddenly stop talking out Example: I was in Berlin when the war broke out. Meaning: start. out of something Example: Two prisoners have managed to break out of the jail. Meaning: escape from a place. something up Example: They want to break the company up into smaller companies. Meaning: separate something into smaller parts. away from somebody Example: She broke away from her father and now lives by herself. Meaning: leave somebody who is holding you. down Example: The computer broke down again! Meaning: stop working. something down Example: Police had to break down the door to enter the building. Meaning: remove something. into Example: The thief broke in and stole the new TV. Meaning: enter a building by using force, to steal something.