作者:marissa brunet 5 年以前
We should be proud of Canada for boosting the economy and making peoples lives better. People were finally happy the war was over people are still happy today yes people could live more luxurious the economy was boosting. I believe its good the war ended and people can enjoy their lives and money I learned the world is deeply affected sometimes
We should not be proud of Canada for having a part in this terrible event. People in that time had mixed beliefs some agreed and had the same antisemitic beliefs and others tried helping the jews. Today no one would agree with the senselessness killing of 6 million people nowadays, yes people made reasonable decisions based on the information given no one could of saved all the Jews. I believe the whole situation is wrong and I can learn that society is easily manipulated and feared
We should be proud Canada tried to promote the war effort people in that time believed they should help during the war no matter what it was , going to fight donating food , supplies or money. Today people believe it is not their issue or theirs enough help and one person wont make a difference. I believe the government sugar coated being part of the war effort they were only desperate and needed more men. I can learn that every thing is not what it seems and i have a choice
We should not be proud Canada tried to force aboriginal culture out of these children lives and Canada. Aboriginal children no longer are forced to go to residential schools. Aboriginal children that attended residential schools still have a piece of their culture missing, these changes have happened over years. These changes show positive progress for aboriginals because they no longer have to attended these schools. These changes probably upset the the Christians who supported "assimilation"
We should be proud Canada put conscription to a vote allowing everyone to give their opinion Canada has gained independence so we no longer have conscription problems with the french and British Canadians, we are no longer at war making conscription unnecessary. French and English still hold grudges and these changes slowly progressed over the years of war, it positively effected the English because they wanted conscription and negatively effected the French who felt it wasn't their war
We should be proud of the women for fighting for equal rights but Canada's government could of had a bigger part in making them equal in the first place. Women and men have much more equal rights today but men are still more respected in some professions, these changes came over decades but show very positive outcomes for women.
We should be proud Canada apologized and realised the mistake but we should not be proud how long it took and that it happened at all. During WW2 people felt they were unsafe near the Japanese, so the government interned them. The government and other Canadians influenced this the ideas were, the Japanese were not welcome this resulted in Japanese wrongfully being interned. Many didnt make it out of internment which was unintended they were only meant to be away from the others
We should not be proud of Canada for letting innocent people die due to their anti semestic beliefs,900 plus Jewish refugees trying to escape the holocaust were denied entry everywhere due to the anti semestic propaganda and views of people. Everyone left them due to the belief Jews were greedy etc, the consequence of this was the death of all the refugees which was not what they had intended. The refugees had planned to escape
Minorities were known as enemy aliens so no one wanted them to fight. The government and few minorities who were spies made everyone sceptical. Socially they were unaccepted and had no economic boosts, they had to carry identification cards with them. The consequences were Canada having less men to fight the war. They intended for the enemy aliens to feel unwelcome and unwanted
We should be proud of Canada for being apart of NATO they helped a lot of innocent people who were brought into the cold war. NATO changed the way the cold war would of turned out and created long lasting changes in the battle, everyone in the battle field and countries at risk were all affected soilders deeply.
We should be proud of Canada for being apart of this event, Canada was the first to complete their objective on the beach This event permanently effected history and the peoples lives involved. Many lives were lost on the battle field over 1.2 million joined in the battle this was a very important plan this was the first times all countries battled a common enemy using the element of surprise. It is part of the story of the day of deliverance this battle is still relevant today this was Canada's biggest military operation and we still mourn the lives lost for our freedom. Many soilders and civilians had different experiences some died fighting in the battle some survived some were permanently effected with injuries.
We should be proud of Canada for the effort and lives lost in this battle. This battle created extreme change over 1 million lives were lost this was the first battle Britain was faced with untrained soldiers, this battle is part of the story of the bloodiest day in British history we value the lives lost in the battle. The soldiers who died and the soldiers who survived experienced different things.