作者:Harsimar Kalsi 5 月以前
Carbohydrates And Their Function
Carbohydrates are essential for various biological functions, primarily serving as energy storage and structural components. In animals, glycogen acts as the primary storage form of glucose, while plants utilize starch, specifically amylose, for the same purpose.
By: Harsimar Carbohydrates And Their Function Structural Cell Wall Acts as framework in plant and bacterial cell. Plant cell
Dextran The prokaryotic function or role of bacteria: energy storage or structure.
Nucleic Acids DNA Dna structure Tissues with deoxyribose sugars are part genetic material. Deoxyribose Model of Deoxyribose Role of deoxybrose: Sugar of DNA structure. Energy storage Amylose Starch is molecular energy which is stored in plants.
Glycogen Energy storage within animals. Glycogen
Energy Source Lactose Dairy products all contain lactose Sugar in milk, used for energy. (Breast milk, cows milk) Glucose Main energy source for cells. Model of Glucose
Sucrose A sugar made of glucose and fructose (Table sugar) Model of Sucrose