作者:Nakerra Ford 8 年以前
career interest
Exploring the realm of family and marital counseling unveils various approaches and practices aimed at addressing relational issues. Counselors may utilize conventional methods or unconventional techniques to meet the needs of their clients.
family/marital counseling How is the practiced viewed on a national /universal scale? what differences are there on national and universal levels scholarly journals on family relations, primary/secondary stories about the experience It is widely accepted in the us but is it the same in other coubtries how often is counseling recommended or require? some families refuse to allow counselors into their private lives and would rather suffer. Counseling is sometimes recommended before a divorce is final or if a student is troubled. public records and counselors notes How effective is the practice? how many patients are happy with the final outcome divorce rates(with and with out counseling), primary sources from patients Does this practice actually have the ability to prevent a divorce. Are there different types of counseling? Is there a standard format that every counselor begins with ned to research what approaches couselors take and if there are any unorthadox approachs. scholarly journals and counselors session notes/documents