Initiative 思维导图 - 公共图库


Leadership that gets results
Mindomo Team

Leadership that gets results

由Mindomo Team

Is Katniss Everdeen a good leader
Yatharth Ruhela

Is Katniss Everdeen a good leader

由Yatharth Ruhela

By Erik Erikson
Israel Contreras


由Israel Contreras

The Five most effective Work Habits
Laíz Larrea

The Five most effective Work Habits

由Laíz Larrea

Initiative Site Map
Heather Bacci

Initiative Site Map

由Heather Bacci

PBL Reform in Indian
Drew Schrader

PBL Reform in Indian

由Drew Schrader

ED304 Mindmap
Heidi Hunt

ED304 Mindmap

由Heidi Hunt

Lunch In Your Box
Kevin Tan

Lunch In Your Box

由Kevin Tan

Napoleon: The siege of Toloun
will cox

Napoleon: The siege of Toloun

由will cox

The Adaptable Mind
Ryan Sprizzle

The Adaptable Mind

由Ryan Sprizzle

My Essential Work Habits
Eyan Wheatley

My Essential Work Habits

由Eyan Wheatley

The important trends for teaching and learning in the 21century.

The important trends for teaching and learning in the 21century.


Ann-Michele MacLeod Star report
Ann-Michele MacLeod

Ann-Michele MacLeod Star report

由Ann-Michele MacLeod

Recipe for Success in ICS2O0
Su Jonathan

Recipe for Success in ICS2O0

由Su Jonathan

Jonathan Le STAR report
Jonathan Le

Jonathan Le STAR report

由Jonathan Le

Andrea Catalina Garavito Daza


由Andrea Catalina Garavito Daza

Skills for Geography
Samantha Watson

Skills for Geography

由Samantha Watson

Organigrama arbol
Verónica Gallego

Organigrama arbol

由Verónica Gallego

Scott Kronowetter Star Report
Dragon Gamer Yew Geneolgia

Scott Kronowetter Star Report

由Dragon Gamer Yew Geneolgia

21st century learner
Nataliia Himchynska

21st century learner

由Nataliia Himchynska

Skills of a employment
Camilo montoya

Skills of a employment

由Camilo montoya

Marketable Me Assignment
Ali Abbas

Marketable Me Assignment

由Ali Abbas

The (Ever-Changing) Story of Learning Skills, by Dylan Lewis
Dylan Lewis

The (Ever-Changing) Story of Learning Skills, by Dylan Lewis

由Dylan Lewis

Khushi Bhandhal


由Khushi Bhandhal

Constructivist Classroom
Jon Lauricella

Constructivist Classroom

由Jon Lauricella

Learning Skills
Bailey Hargrave

Learning Skills

由Bailey Hargrave

Are learning skills a learning Story: Hoe do learning skills connect the Learner, the Educator, and Curriculum
Moira Bergeron

Are learning skills a learning Story: Hoe do learning skills connect the Learner, the Educator, and Curriculum

由Moira Bergeron

I struggle with Initiative
Deshai Waterman

I struggle with Initiative

由Deshai Waterman

Are learning skills a learning story?
Maddison Schmidt

Are learning skills a learning story?

由Maddison Schmidt

I Struggle With Initiative
Kyrylo Lysenko

I Struggle With Initiative

由Kyrylo Lysenko

How to be successful in Grade 11 Biology
Kai Littlefair

How to be successful in Grade 11 Biology

由Kai Littlefair

Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Giuseppina Fazzio

Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

由Giuseppina Fazzio

Autonomy-supportive teaching 
  an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. They see the student as an ally and their role as guiding the learning process.
Practices suggested:
bothain dbari

Autonomy-supportive teaching an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. They see the student as an ally and their role as guiding the learning process. Practices suggested:

由bothain dbari

Autonomy-supportive teaching   an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. The
bothain dbari

Autonomy-supportive teaching an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. The

由bothain dbari