类别 全部 - persecution - christianity - faith

作者:Marshall Marshall 3 年以前


Catholic Church

In the early centuries of the Roman Empire, Christianity emerged as a powerful and influential faith. Despite severe persecutions by Roman emperors like Nero and Diocletian, who sought to reinforce pagan traditions, the resilience of Christians only strengthened their community and beliefs.

Catholic Church

Catholic Church

Pentacost: The birth of the Church

313-Constantine issued idict of Milan which was the freedom of religion to Christians and to all human beings which ended persecution and brought back East and West and Christians were given places to worship

Despite the persecutions, Christians persevered and believed every wrong doing and horrible acts done by the Romans only proved their innocent more and made Their faith stronger.

Paul argues that everyone was welcome to follow Jesus' teachings. The reasons for the prosecutions were because Christian views were against pagan values and they worshipped only one God

When the Holy Spirit came to the apostles, they began to set forth and continue Jesus' mission. They became courageous preachers

Resurrection of Christ was the start of Christian Faith. Before he ascended he wanted his disciples to make bring more disciples to spread their faith

Christianity was becoming too strong to be stopped and it would soon be the official religion of the Empire and would become the dominate force in Western European civilization

4th Century AD (final persecution) Emperor Diocletian, wanted to restore Roman religion based on Pagan values and during "The great Persecution", assemblies of Christians were prohibited and many Christians martyrs died

Next prosecution was Emperor Decius 250 AD, church in Rome was becoming more established and many Romans resented this along with sacrificing to the Roman Gods.

First prosecution was under Emporer Nero in 64 Ad and this led the the death of St. Peter and Paul.

To be a member of the universal Christian Community, meant you had to hold values that were different to the Roman authorities

Ecclesia: assembly, therefore church is a place where those assemble; Catholicos- universal Gospel for everybody

Church: meaning those belonging to the Lord.