作者:Celina Perez 11 年以前
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An initiative aims to provide comprehensive Internet access to students at Roy Miller High School and Metro School of Design. To qualify, students need to be enrolled in these schools and submit a cafeteria application to receive free or reduced-cost Internet.
Bridging the Gap- Providing Internet Access to all Roy Miller High School and Metro School of Design students. Utilize Technology Utilize CCISD usernames and passwords Utilize E-School plus for confirmation of cafeteria status E-school confirms if they are Students are Roy Miller HS E-school provides us with detailed student information Utilize our web store for purchases Purchase more data Purchase Internet Router web store website students login to buy extra gigabytes of data/ initial "purchase" of router Requirements Students must use the we store to purchase Internet Students need a debit/credit card to purchase Internet Students need an e-chalk account Must be a student at Roy Miller High School and Metro School of Design Cafeteria Application must be submitted to receive free or reduced Internet Access Evaluation Monthly usage and Purchase history will be reported to school board Roy Miller will be the Pilot School at CCISD Students will be required to fill out a survey Internet usage will be monitored every 2 weeks Select Technology and Media Roy Miller Technology Specialist in charge of issuing routers CCISD Technology Department for usernames and passwords Team with state of Texas Team with Clear Communications for routers Project Objectives Provides the necessary resources needed by all students Ensure all students have equal opportunities 100% of Roy Miller HS students with home Internet access Student Demographics Many families are at poverty level and can't afford an extra Internet bill Roy Miller HS already checks out laptops for student use Majority of students are neighborhood students that are 1st generation students graduating in their family 70% of students are on free or reduced lunch Title 1 School