作者:Junia Marin 11 年以前
Changes to initial Map
Instructional design encompasses various models and theories aimed at enhancing the learning process. Key approaches include behaviourist, cognitive, and constructivist theories, each contributing unique perspectives on how learning occurs.
Merrill's Principles of Instruction Integration Activation Task-centred Application Demonstration Instructional Design Theory Instructional Evaluation Theory Instructional Implementational Theory Instructional Building Theory Instructional Planning Theory Instructional Analysis Theory Instructional Event Theory Learning Outcomes Psychomotor Affective Instructional Design Models Constructivist Cognitive Behaviourist eg. ADDIE Instructional Strategy Instructional Approaches Experiential Problem Based Instructional Simulation Direct Instruction Instructional Component Authentic Tasks Guided Practice Coaching Advanced Organiser Content Sequence Concrete to Abstract Learning Theory Constructivism Cognitivism Behaviourism Unique Evaluation Activities Detailed Study Guides provided Instructional Design Instructional Design Theories, Models and Strategies. Final Concept Map
Distance Education