作者:sandra trevino 12 年以前
City Hall
City Hall oversees a variety of essential services and infrastructure to ensure the well-being and functionality of the community. Parks and recreation amenities include tennis courts, golf courses, swimming pools, and bike paths for public enjoyment.
City Hall Parks and Recreation Tennis courts, golf courses, swimming pools, bike paths. Governing Bodies The persons who make up a body for the purpose of administrating something. Uility Services Clean drinking water, sanitary sewer systems, trash disposal, gas, and electrucity. Taxes Property taxes: paid on personal properties (comercial and industrial properties). Income taxes: collected by your employer from the income you recieve through checks. Sales taxes: usually paid when you purchased food, clothes, automobiles, ans personal items. General taxes: based on a percentage of property owned. Water Management Used for people at home who don't use water that later can be used in an emergency. Types of Transportation Water Ships, submarines Land Cars, buses, trains, bicycles etc. Air Helicopters, airplanes, jets Zoning (divided in four basic categories) Agricultural Industrial Comercial Residential Recreation Services two ways of delivering recreational services are Facilitation Direct provision Emergency Services Basic life support Intermediate life support Advanced life support