类别 全部 - feedback - productivity - conflict

作者:Danvir Bhatti 3 年以前


Classic Leadership styles

Leadership styles can significantly impact the effectiveness and morale of followers. The laissez-faire style is characterized by a hands-off approach, allowing skilled, motivated, and educated followers to operate with minimal supervision.

Classic Leadership styles

Classic Leadership styles

Democratic style

Most practical & most effective of the 3 styles.
Followers of this style tend to be more creative and innovated
makes high quality and informed decisions.
Followers of democratic leaders are often very satisfied
Followers continue to work regardless of whether the leader is there or not.

Subordinates are the happiest under this style out of the 3 styles

Subordinates tend to be productive under this leadership style

How the Leaders do various things
Deal with subordinates.

Delegate decisions to them

Test ideas with subordinates

Enjoys socializing with subordinates

Extremely open to feedback

Joyfully listens to have a range of options

Democratic leaders take a collaborative approach with their followers.
poor choice for decision making in a time crunch

Will take a while to get input from followers

Not practical when followers are not trustworthy

Poor decisions could come as a result of the followers input

Not practical when a consensus can not be reached.

Nothing will get done unless consensus is reached.

Autocratic style

Effective when in need of a quick decision

Decision examples

Online school vs in person school

Should schools close because of excessive snow

Works well with low skilled followers
Temporarily suppresses conflict.
Autocratic leaders take an authoritarian approach with their followers.
How the leaders do various things

Uses the established power dynamic to influence the situation

Approaches them while trying not to socialize whatsoever

Encourages not to give feedback

Takes little to no feedback


Subordinates tend to be least happy under this style out of the 3 styles


Subordinates are very productive under this style

Least effective & practical of the 3 styles
Leader must consistently micro-manage their subordinates
Demanding and stressful for followers
Followers take less initiative
Followers are more likely to slack off while not under supervision

laissez-fair style

Can work in creative industries where workers are motivated



Works very well when followers are skilled, motivated and educated
Requires less top-down pressure
Laissez-fair Leaders take a hands off approach with their followers.
2nd most effective & practical of the 3 styles

Subordinates tend to be 2nd happiest under this style out of the 3 styles.


Subordinates under this style tend to be either ultra-productive or not productive at all

How the leaders do Various things.
Deal with subordinates

Listens to them.

Allows them to figure stuff out themselves

Deal with feedback

Will listen to occasional feedback

Laissez-fair leaders do not recieve much feedback since they encourage subordinates to figure stuff out themselves.

Underlying issues can often be missed




Often results in low productivity


When ambiguity is high its not helpful