作者:Ainun Iberahim 8 年以前
Classification & Categorization of LLS
Various frameworks have been developed to understand and categorize language learning strategies. O'Malley and Chamot's 1990 model divides these strategies into three main categories:
Classification & Categorization of LLS O'Malley & Chamot's 1990 Social / Affective Strategies Attitude Motivation Interaction Cognitive Stratigies Ellsboration Transfer Keyword Method Inferencing Summarizing Note Taking Auditory Representation Imagery Deducation Grouping Repetition Resourcing Metacognitive Strategies Evaluating Monitoring Planning Rubin's 1987 Social Strategies Activities / Practises Communication (Interactive) Strategies Process of participating in a conservation Learning Strategies Metacognotive Oxford's 1990 Indirect Strategies Social Affective Metacognitive Direct Strategies Compensation Cognitive Memory