作者:Luciana Soldo 4 年以前
CLIL ACTIVITIES "The very hungry caterpillar"
The educational module focuses on integrating various subjects through the theme of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." It employs a range of multidisciplinary activities to enhance learning experiences.
CLIL ACTIVITIES "The very hungry caterpillar" TTI GOALS Start networking with university students in eTwinning Live, including Europeans ones Promote professional skills such as: project management, goal setting, work planning, team work CLIL activities in a multidisciplinary way Teacher Training Institute SCIENCE The life cycle of the butterfly ART Drawing butterflies using different techniques Art and Craft ENGLISH Fruit/Food Colours Numbers Methodologies GAMIFICATION CODING - Cody & Roby COOPERATIVE LEARNING PEER TO PEER T.P.R. FORMAT BRAINSTORMING MATH Symmetry Coding: "The Cody and Roby" game using numbers Cardinal numbers HISTORY The cyclical time Days of the week TECHNOLOGY Ebook Making origami butterflies and caterpillars