作者:Melva Montezuma 5 年以前
Accounting plays a crucial role in guiding a company's direction and decision-making processes. Both financial and administrative accounting are essential for measuring performance, managing resources, and planning future activities.
CONTABILIDAD Contabilidad Financiera bring Pictures and Videos to help you make info easier to remember
save time use colours to highlight what's important yellow = facts, examples green = dates, names, places, and formulas red = super important use Emojis to point out Flijp de Efectivo Balance General Estado de Resultado Estado de Cammbio en el Patrimonio SABER HACIA DONDE VAMOS!l Contabilidad Costo RENTABILIDAD PERDIDA
GANANCIA Las Empresa lideres miden su rendimiento a travez de la informacion financiera easy to delete info add new info find what you need stick all the info you need in a map bookmarks documents videos links La Contabilidad Administrativa Dirigir you'll come up with original ideas Subtema Organizar Planificacion La informacion Contable es de suma importancia para determinar el rumbo de la Empresa, y tomas decisiones correctas. RESULTADOS INTERPRETACION ANÁLISIS