作者:Azahara López 6 年以前
Contens of 3 of ESO
The document outlines a comprehensive English curriculum for students, detailing various aspects of learning and practice. It includes sections on writing, where students engage in narrative writing and crime reports.
Contents of 3 of ESO Listenings A quiz show A biography A police interview A dialogue about law A radio programme Conversations about problems A food discussion A description of a dinner Directions Phone conversations A conversation about travel plans Travel plans A job interview A class presentation A dialogue about a trip A discussion about a newspaper article Listening practise 3rd ESO Grammar Past Perfect Simple Past Simple Passive Present Simple Passive Modals Defining relative clauses Relative pronouns Third Condotional Second Conditional First Conditional Future Continuous Future tenses Present Perfect Simple Past Continuous Used to Past Simple Comparison of adverbs Comparison of adjectives Past Simple/Present Continous Articles and quantifiers There is/There are/There was/There were Vocabulary Appliances Inventions Crime reports Crime Adjectives of personality Relationships Menus Adjectives Around town Places in town Travel Travel items Activities Achievements Feelings Journeys Getting started Vehicles Weather Jobs Geographical features Readings Books The abandoned house Alice's Adventures in Worderland Romeo and Juliet Unit 8 Newspaper articles A legend A magazine article A travel magazine acticle A web page A blog entry Writings Crime Report Mindmap Padlet QR Code Comic Narrative in past Words for jobs The importance of english Speakings Exams Last weekend My family Unit 7 Crime report Unit 6 Making excuses Unit 5 At the restaurant Unit 4 At the tourist office Unit 3 Personal details Unit 2 TV programme Unit 1 Dialogue Hotel Getting strated Introducing myself The weather forecast