类别 全部 - delivery - immune - production - investment

作者:Silvera Silvera 3 年以前



The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine utilizes mRNA technology, a method distinct from traditional vaccines. When administered, the mRNA instructs cells to produce the spike protein found on the coronavirus'



When will the vaccine be released

However places like America decided to not order the vaccine in July but instead decided to order it when its ready.
The covid-19 vaccine is already bein delivered to other countries in Europe

How is it different then most vaccines

The way the Pfizer vaccine works, you are injected with a mixture of mRNA, and that mRNA gets taken up into your cells and produces the spike protein, which is the protein that covers the surface of the coronavirus,

How would it be delivered to all the countries

Hospital systems nationwide should expect the first shipments of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine to arrive Monday, Gen. Gustave Perna, chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed, said during a media briefing Saturday.

What does the vaccine consist of

Protein subunit vaccines include harmless pieces (proteins) of the virus that cause COVID-19 instead of the entire germ