

Hook - How will you get your reader interested in your topic?

Cyberbullying has become a serious problem, hurting many people emotionally and mentally. With social media being a big part of our lives, it's easier then ever for bullying to happen online We need stricter rules, more accountability, and better prevention to keep people safe.

Stopping cyberbullying means we need tougher punishments to discourage it, clear rules to hold people accountable for their actions, and better ways to prevent it from happening in the first place.





Tougher penalties for cyberbullying are
needed to deter harmful behavior and
hold perpetrators accountable, ensuring
a safer online environment for all.

Stricter penalties for cyberllying can help
prevent aduse, protect victims from lesting
herm, and send a clear message that online
harassment is unacceptable.

Tougher penalties for cyberbullying can
reduce harassment and protect victims,
ensuring that online spaces remain safe
for everyone. Studies show that stronger
lews can deter harmful behaviors and
promote accountability.


Stricter laws against cyberbullying may indeed deter people from harmful online behavior simply by making them more accountable for their actions. Clearer punishment could create more responsibility and make people treat others with greater respect, fostering safer digital environments.

Stricter penalties may make an individual think twice before inflicting hurt on others over the internet from this prevalent harassment. Such more serious sanctions make it very clear that bullying-whether in person or online-will not be tolerated and conveys a serious message taken seriously and valued by victims of bullying.

Stricter punishment for cyberbullying may impose more accountability and potentially reduce incidents of online harassment. Stricter consequences could give people pause before making someone else their online target, with the aim of creating a more respectful, even safer digital environment. There are reports that clear legal frameworks have seen a drop in bullying behavior and better protection of victims.


Stricter punishments for cyberbullying may lead to a little more responsibility on the Web and, perhaps, deter individuals from causing harm to others. Stronger laws dealing with such crimes make people think twice before engaging in harassment, thus probably making the online community much safer for everyone.

Such punishment for cyberbullying may help in preventing the behavior by punishing the offenders and giving a strong message that harassment online is no less serious compared to other forms. This can reduce incidents, making the environment safer, while also offering better legal support and protection to victims.

This approach will not only discourage the perpetrator but also set a good example for others, establishing a culture of respect and accountability online. Furthermore, it aids the victim in receiving justice and legal support, sending a clear message that their safety and dignity are valued in the virtual world.

counter arguement

Describe counter argument

your position

Closing sentence that links to the next topic

Closing paragraph

Thesis restated

call to action

closing sentence
